Posts Tagged: 'meme'

Jul. 29th, 2013



hey guys! i'm going on vacation for the next week and will be limited to my phone, so i probably can't tag my scenes. this will affect both rené (~IMPEDIMENT) and li (~DEPLETION). anyway, since i'm here i may as well post a meme:

bang, marry, kill )




just for fun as i climb off to bed & you lovely people begin your days (timezones, sigh)—
comment with your chars under the hogwarts house they'd be sorted in! feel free to explain why you would choose that house for them and to ooh and ahh~ at your char's housemates. bonus points for speculating on your character's harry potter au life :> ??? profit!

Jul. 20th, 2013



hot or not?
  1. comment with your character and add their name in the subject heading
  2. have your character reply to others, rating how hot they are on a 1-10 scale
  3. 10 = so hot i would tap that with the force of faram's angry smite
    01 = so not hot i would rather perform seppuku than look at that
  4. react accordingly
notes )

Jul. 4th, 2013



attn attn.


The curiosity bug has bit me AS IT DOES and I was wondering as I was looking over the cast list: how did you come up with your character's/s' names? Did you make it up, are they someone's namesake, did you pull it out of a generator? INQUIRING MINDS AND ALL THAT.


Jun. 29th, 2013


Speed dating meme!


The Speed Dating MEME!

General stuff:
Romance or romantic interest not required! It's fun! It's OOC! Don't think too much about it

Where it happens:
Separate, privacy booths. Not TOO private (you can hear what's going on next to you if you try)

How 'speed dating' works:
Half the cast is sitting.
Half the cast is rotating.
The sitting cast stays in place while the rotating cast moves from table to table, always going one to the right. It all ends once the musical chairs come full circle!
Each mini meeting lasts three minutes.

How you play this meme:
1. Is your character sitting, or standing? Check the damage table. If your character is Gale or listed above her - sitting! If your character is listed after - standing!
1a. But what if one of my characters is sitting and one standing? Well, here's your chance to post them together. Be selfish! Go on!
2.Post a comment with your sitting character's name(s) in the subject.
3.Do you have standing characters? Go on, make some replies! Get them out there! Create crack!

1.Each interaction should go about five replies max really. Let's say Ari and Aspel want to pass notes to each other. She can give it to someone about to see Aspel and they can pass it to her. If they really want to! Anyway, I won't really be policing this because, uh, meme.
2.Each interaction takes a max of three minutes. Some NPC HORROR will be strictly policing this. Feel free to have fun with that if you want!

Each seating takes a max of three rounds between two characters, in-game time of three minutes. For real though, I won't really be policing it if your characters are just shooting back one liners or what have you.

Here is a happy example! )

Jun. 22nd, 2013


The Soundtrack meme!

Hey Y'all!

C here. I'm at work, gworl, and taking a rest and thought it'd been too long since we had an OOC meme!

So here's how it works:
*You post a comment with your character name in the subject line.
*In the body of the comment, list a song or songs that remind you of your character, you listen to while posting as them, etc. etc. Tell us why!
*Run crazy with replies! Suggest songs, express surprise that Aspel is a big fan of En Vogue or tease Kiernan about his habits of singing Starships Nothing's gonna stop us now (complete with high pitch tone changes for the female sections). Whatevs!

May. 19th, 2013



30 wounds meme


This is Jan and I am dropping a meme here, which is more like a fic prompt/meme thing? This is more of a writing exercise, I guess? I wanted to drop this in my ooc, buuuut a lot of people in this game don't have one on IJ so I'm putting this here and inviting you all to do so with me instead! As usual, participation is voluntary!

for further instruction. )

May. 15th, 2013



How do you pronounce your character(s) name(s)?


Quest here with a completely non-mod/personal curiosity related query!

As the subject line hints at, how do you pronounce your character(s) name(s)? I've done a bit of a recording located here (I'm a link with an audio recording! click me if you feel like it!) rambling on about name pronunciation, my personal curiosity (and a fault) and how I pronounce my characters names. I think it's about 2mins long and the site tends to auto play, so! Be warned!

If you'd like to do a recording of your own, you can pop over to this website and record, save the recording and then post the "sharing options" link in a comment:

Or! If you're microphone-less or microphone shy, feel free to try to phonetic it up or describe it in a comment, if you want in on this. No pressure!

May. 11th, 2013



A wild Meme-mon appears!

A wild night you say...?

Meme. Round five: Fight! )
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May. 10th, 2013



Return of the meme! (Part 1...)


Meme. Round four: Fight! )

P.S. Don't forget to run the Friend Adder!
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Mar. 31st, 2013



Oh snap~!

It's another meme!

Meme. Round three: Fight! )

P.S. Don't forget to run the Friend Adder! And also, feel free to keep tagging into the ~Character Questionnaire~ and "The truth and nothing but the truth! So, help you god..." meme's if you feel so inclined!
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Mar. 29th, 2013



Hey Look!

It's another meme!

Meme. Round two: Fight! )

P.S. Don't forget to run the Friend Adder! And also, feel free to keep tagging into the ~Character Questionnaire Meme~ if you feel so inclined!
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Mar. 27th, 2013


Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner~!

Hey everyone!

It appears that everyone wants to do some meme's. So guess what? Here's one!

Meme. Round one: Fight! )
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