November 18th, 2014



hey hey hey goodbye

I think this has been a loooong time coming, so now I'm going to make it official: you guys have been wonderful and this game is fantastic, but it's time to say goodbye. I thought about staying for closure with my remaining kids, and I just don't know if I can. Flynn, sometime before this last fight, leaves the city with her family for an extended Ordalia vacation because goddamn, they need it. She does come back, though, trains with Toku as necessary. Some years from now, improved significantly, she takes the class exam and advances from blue mage to geomancer.

Lavitz stays in the city for a while, works his way out of his engagement, and eventually leaves town some months from now with Mag and Kiernan while still keeping in touch, still visiting. He's happier away from it all with the two people he loves most, sticking outside city limits as much as he can to stay sane.

Ridley will also remain in the city, still working for Cormac if that's cool with you, Jan! Sometime within this year (or next? fuck), she takes her class exam for white mage and passes. While she doesn't stay at Cormac's clinic forever, she works closely with him and the other white mages, opening up a clinic for those less fortunate in the Tenements so that everyone can get the healing they need.

love you all, STAY IN TOUCHHHHH I am still here and about and reachable, and tysm for the memories ♥♥ sorry for the suddenness of this, if this is at all a surprise (and tbh I don't think it should be, womp). you da best, LET'S WRITE AGAIN SOON ♥♥♥