September 6th, 2014


I doth return!


So, this is Chrissie, and I am back home and therefore around semi-reliable internet and not traveling all over the place! :D

I have the following and will be tagging into things I owe and would happily start something new! >.<
  • CHLOË DU GARD → She's been either working or hanging around baby Zevran because he is so cute and she just adores him so much! :O
  • SAEED HADDAD → He's just been working and around? He might have gone out of town for a couple of days with the family he protects, but otherwise he's just chillin' n' stuff.
  • EMILY MILIONA → Suspicious of Seloria for talking with the Miliona servant, but mostly just around and helping out at the clinic and putting up a good face!
Trying to catch-up on recent events, so bear with me, please!

~ Chrissie