July 14th, 2014



re-introduction time!

I'm going to sound a bit like Ari here but -- Hell Week is done! My show is open! I can has free time again! And after an exhausting 10-hour day in the windowless hell at work, I can finally, finally say I'm back in full-force for RP! My slowatus is over omg finally ;^;

And looking at what little my boys have going on (intentional on my part because what was free time the past few weeks?) it's time for me to grovel/grovel/cringe/bow/stoop/fall/worship/worship/beg/kneel/sponge/crawl for lines. So for a quick reintroduction on my cast:

Merrion Priddy ([info]merrymage): Red Mage/31/MG Council/Hypochondriac Derp
+ In a relationship with Ran Matsuura (aka Kiyoko but shhhh he doesn't know that -- no one knows that XD)
+ Best friends with Drake
+ Trying to find his place in life
+ Frequents the Theatre District (because he loves going to shows and concerts and stuff) and Bazaar (food because lol cooking), if he's not in the Mages Tower (for work, study, living?)

Kiernan Manley ([info]wingsofwyverns): Dragoon/39/Dragon Rider/Friendly Flirt
+ In a relationship with Mag
+ Best friends with Lavitz
+ Gillian's tenant
+ Frequents Shieldwyrm (for sparring or teaching purposes) and the Commoners (lives there), and bars/taverns (all over town)

Sky Min ([info]gotsomebite): Thief/16/Loch's bitch minion employee/Mischievous Brat
+ The youngest Min brother (also Pyr's twin -- basically Sonia has all my lines)
+ Audrey's estranged (?) apprentice (?)
+ Frequents the Docks (because he works there), the Bazaar (favorite picking grounds), Commoners (lives there)

Hit me up if you want me or my boys for anything! None of my boys are really up to much of anything at the moment, so I'm very open to stuff. Throughout tonight and tomorrow I'll be catching up on tags, but I plan on gradually returning to being fully active through the course of the week!