April 27th, 2014


MG Funeral for the fallen.

Hi, all~

To honor the sacrifice of those members of the MG who fell during the attack (of which Guy Lenard was the only PC, but we're assuming the losses were many), the Council organised a funeral at the Grand Cathedral, so that the Guild may be able to mourn their lost comrades.

This event took place on Sunday morning, 4/27 [edit: Saturday instead, 4/26] and counted with the presence of FG volunteers to guard the Cathedral and the mages inside. Those fighters who sympathised with the mages' troubles stood vigil throughout the ceremony to ensure no further tragedies came to pass.

A starter has been put up here, so that anyone who wishes to thread their MG characters/FG guards/friends of the fallen speaking before or after the ceremony may do so there.

This post can serve as a forum for OOC discussion, if you would like to establish who of your roster attended, in whatever capacity.