April 20th, 2014



Hello friends!

If you are anything like me, big plots may get you confused. Emillion is huge and we have a lot of characters. With so much chaos happening, things get lost in the shuffle. In the interest of easing that confusion, I'm making this post. I was hoping everyone could chip in with comments. I am going to list each district and area separately and if your character is in said district or you mentioned something happening there (character related or area related, example: "Character X died a grizzly death" or! "This important building fell when monsters came crashing through the ceiling") could you respond? Don't worry about damage totals... unless you want to, in which case, go wild. Plot! But I was hoping this post could be used to give us all an idea of what's happening in each area. Think of it as Emillion Cliff Notes.

Get it? Got it? Good!

Questions or if you have ideas to add to this post, please let me know!





Hey kids, dropping in to clarify that with Cressida's death during the battle, she's gone from my roster. Thanks to everyone who threaded or logged with me and her-- it's been a pleasure ♥♥ I'm not sure what the policy is for fallen fighters and Rangers (would the guild work with her family to arrange it, etc) but maybe her funeral can be this upcoming week? obvs she won't be in play, but I can write up a brief thing via the comm for anyone who wants to attend. ♥♥ Her brothers would invite her friends, probably by the end of today, and obvs guild and anyone else is welcome. Tentative funeral date for Thursday? People would definitely know by today that she's gone.




Post-event details.

The Aftermath! )