April 7th, 2014



oh hey guys

So, yesterday I decided that I was going to be ambitious and stuff and decided to code relationship charts for the entire game. I finished them today. If you're on my CDJ, you've seen them as they've been in process, but I finished them this afternoon!


A few quick things about them:
    ❈ They are unlocked on my CDJ. I have not spoken to the mods about moving them over because it's something that I intend to keep updating as lines progress, new characters are added, characters are dropped, etc, etc, and I'd hate to add to their workload like that.
    ❈ That being said, I will update them if you let me know if someone is missing from one of your characters' relationship - you just have to let me know!
    ❈ The little relationship descriptions were meant to be standardized, but I kind of gave up about halfway through because I do not know every character in game, and I do not read every log, so I may know that they're important to character A, but I don't know why.
    ❈ In addition to the above, this is only based on in-game character interaction or if someone told me there is a line that is happening.
    ❈ The way I picked people was based on whether or not they have a significant impact on the character. Otherwise, I'd have to code the entire game into each line (coughAri&Aspelcough).

So, uh, hope you enjoy? ♥