January 16th, 2014


mage task force exam!

Finally, I hear you say! Sorry for the delay, everyone.

We have finished outlining the exam (a small mission!) for the candidates, and we are planning to have it be set around the beginning of this week (backdated a little so those who are also going on Gillian's quest, which I think is this weekend, will have time to heal should they be injured~ ke ke ke) Update: The mission will be set this upcoming Wednesday, some days after Gillian's job instead of before. Assume that your character took the first part of the exam, the interview-cum-skills-test sometime in the past week or two.

[ Edit because I forgot to mention: The exam for the task force is divided in two parts: one (off-screen) interview-cum-magical skills test (similar to the class exam) to test applicants' spellwork, and a second part (which will be the subject of the group thread) where applicants' practical magical skills will be tested. They will go on a small mission, similar to what they may expect as part of the taskforce. ]

Another post will come soon, explaining the particulars of the exam (like a regular battle ooc post). For now, I just want to check in with those who expressed an interest in having their character take the exam, and send out a probe for any of the new players who may be interested in it.

As a reminder (and a heads-up for new players about MG rules) scholars will not be accepted into the task force, and will not be allowed to apply because, well, scholars. This group should be taking on high-risk missions, so no time for handholding, unfortunately. Any mages who have made class will be welcome to apply, though it should be noted that those with less experience (2-3 years since they made class) might have a hard time of it, but they are definitely encouraged to try out!

This doesn't need to be said, but we anticipate that all characters who apply will pass the exam, unless the player comes to us and says, "Hey, I want my kid to fail!" (Even if your character fails this time, he or she could always reapply at a later date so it's not a huge deal. It could be ~character development~!)

As far as I know, current candidates are: Flynn, Wolfe, Ophion, Sabina, Lionel, Guy, Siri

Anyone else interested?

Thanks, guys ♥



Intros and stuff and things

Just when you thought you were done with intros, *fanfare*

Ahem. Hi, Emillion. I'm Sai (known in other corners of the internet as [info]puja and I'm new to the game. I've been hiatused from RP for a while but I've really missed writing and this seems like a wonderful game in which to get my groove back~ I must warn y'all that I'm a complete newbie to the FF world, but I'm excited to dive in headfirst.

But enough about me. This here is Caspar Vaux, and as you might guess, he's a sentinel. He's the son of an upper-class pharist Bishop in Kerwon (these things happen), who was raised to go into the church. Of course, Caspar isn't one to go the easy way. He was determined from a young age to become a Knight, and that's exactly what he did. Along the way he trained alongside one Rictor Cassul, and the pair became heated rivals (with an undercurrent of respect) for the oh, next ten years. Caspar left Kerwon to get away from his parents as soon as he could (boy has daddy issues and then some) and ended up in Emillion some four odd years ago.

Here's the part where I need help from all of you wonderful people:

- He's a Valendian Ranger. Fun battle times ahoy!
- He loves women, and isn't begrudging about showing them respect (and more). Former/present/future flings are always good to get him in trouble.
- He's really friendly on the surface, but doesn't let people get too close. That being said, a couple of close friends might help keep him sane.
- He's got a thorough religious education, but his awful relationship with his parents has tainted that as well. Anyone who spends enough time with him will be able to see this.
- Rictor Cassul is an ass. That's basically all he has to say on that point.

If you're curious to read more about him, you can do so here. As for me, I can be reached at saismic on gchat/gmail and swordandsai on AIM. I've heard amazing things about this game, and can't wait to get started writing with all of you!