October 14th, 2013



hiatus alert

struggling, will be back later



Hey, all. Sorry I've been kind of ghosting around the past few weeks. I haven't been doing too great lately but in an effort to get out of my rut, I'm seriously jump-starting myself back into everything because I really need to quite being dumb.

I'm working on catching up on all the tags I owe, but if you want any threads or logs or plot or lines or anything with any of my characters (Kiernan, Siana [info]honestumgladius, Merri [info]merrymage, and Sky [info]gotsomebite), toss me a message here or in an email!

Thanks, and sorry for my lameness lately. :(



I am home, I am caught up, a recent audition ended in politics (ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) so I've even got some additional and unexpected free time! Basically, lay it all on me, I want to thread everything ever.

And Peony hasn't done a single thing this month which is...... just wrong somehow. So, uh, my kids. Anyone want them? Peony in particular, poor thing ♥



HEY, NERDS or Bookworms, A Discussion Post

  1. book club thread is up HERE, i am so sorry for the delay, blame thanksgiving
  2. comment with an open or closed thread if interested!
  3. ridley opened up with a brief hello, this is book club, these are the rules (no messy foods! no snacks with nuts! no drinks! please keep it pg! please speak your mind!), these are my ideas (book buddies, mostly), what would you all like to do from here on out, etc.
  4. break was like, 5 mins. sry for not clarifying, didn't want to delete and repost.
  5. lunch happened after with anyone who wanted to go!
  6. discuss if anything noteworthy happened here, or if you char made any suggestions ♥ AND IF THEY FOR SURE WENT.