May 12th, 2013




My approval here unfortunately coincided with:

  • my move to a new apartment
  • grad school finals
  • my boss returning from a vacation and needing UPDATES NOW NOW NOW

    So I promise I'm here and I will be catching up and posting in the next few days, including responding to the comments on my intro that I haven't gotten to yet (oy, I'm the worst). Cheers!

  • [info]larcener


    hi, everyone! i'm ash. 8') chum/ jun told me about this place and welp, here i am.

    i bring to you audrey leradine. she's a 25 year old ninja working in the thieves' guild. her background in a nutshell: born to a noble family, parents were murdered for political reasons when she was 10, moved in with a prostitute in the sapphire house and changed her name to audrey, got picked up by the thieves' guild at 12 and has been with them since. if you need more details or would like to know more about audrey you can check it out here.

    as far as her personality goes, she's super happy-go-lucky and easy to get along with... well, that depends more on whether or not your character handles being harassed very well. she's pretty mischievous and likes to get herself into trouble-- getting on people's nerves for example. for now she's just been laying low and picking up quests here and there.

    plots! i'd like anything and everything. bring it at me. obvs people she knows from the thieves' guild, people she chills with and people who downright want to tape her mouth shut. also i'd like lines with other people from different guilds (maybe people who sell her scrolls?). definitely want ridiculous adventures with ridiculous people. i'm open for anything, so please come at me. 8'| we can work this out.




    SO THIS IS RIAN, I think I might know some of you maybe. But ugh, leave me alone, I am here to make new friends.

    I'm bringing in two today (with a third on the way) (and fourth hahahaha what am i), and I'll stick their intros under a cut just to save your flists.


    EDIT. also i'm going to go hit up the memes from this weekend so i can ~get a feel~ for my ladies, so tag me there, too :>



    Hello hello! Rae again with a brand new character. :) This is Zacheus Aleyne, a 31 year old archer, Valendian Ranger, and older brother to Lille ([info]rending).

    Rian already touched on their background, but the short version is: their mother died when he was a teenager, their father fell into a deep depression, and Zacheus was forced to pick up the slack and run the Aleyne household. He was a pretty happy-go-lucky kid before all this happened, but he had to grow up pretty quickly and turned into very serious and stoic guy. He's been with the Rangers for about eleven years! And he'd like to think he's pretty damn good at his job. When he's not working, he spends most of him time worrying and fussing over his younger sister. He isn't unpleasant or unkind, but he's not terribly friendly either, and usually comes off as a really intimidating guy. This is usually due to a lack of smiling. Not to worry, though! Zacheus is mostly just awkward.

    Plot! I could use a couple close friends for him -- he's not much of a social butterfly, but he's intensely loyal to those he's close with! Drinking buddies, sparring partners, enemies, maybe one past fling? He's not closeted, exactly, but he doesn't really flirt or advertise that he's into men at all. Really, though, I'm down for whatever you guys want to throw at me. ♥

    (PS. If anyone is interested in threading/logging with Zacheus or Arabella, plz hit me up. :*)



    Sorry if I've been spotty these days with tags and the like, kittens-- I had a con this weekend (look, proofs), have been feeling blegh following the con , and I have some things this week BUT tags and hellos on intro posts tomorrow evening, promise. ♥