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Elric Apartments

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Sleep over with ulterior movtives [Jan. 10th, 2012|11:27 pm]

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Elizabeth had shooed Al over to Russell and Fletcher's apartment, threatening him with hours of girltalk to do it.

Then she called the Collective's house.
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((For puddle_of_grace And Co.)) [Aug. 15th, 2011|10:53 pm]

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[Current Mood |indescribable]

Having found out from his wife which apartments Elizabeth and the Tringhams were staying in, Ed treks up to knock on Elizabeth's door. He'll get to the Tringhams in a moment. For now, he's just going to get her and Al's attention first.

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[Jul. 13th, 2011|03:27 pm]

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Sarah had found out about Elizabeth and her group's return through the gossip train (because rumor mill just isn't as weird of a saying) and decided to go pay her a visit. Once she had the apartment number, she headed over and knocked on the door to the Elric's apartment. "Halloooooooo?"
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A set of runaways [Jul. 12th, 2011|08:29 pm]

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The PIN brought them to the grounds of the Elric apartments. They'd all been there before, but the grounds looked different now, with a third four-story building looming large on the other side of the first building. It didn't look like another apartment building. But the office still grew like a tumor off the bottom of the first building, so finding the landlord should be easy enough.

"This way," she said, probably unnecessarily, since her brother and the other two had been there as well, but Elizabeth automatically took charge in situations, so nobody called her on it.

She knocked on the office door.
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