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[03 Oct 2010|12:35am]
how about a home and someone to come with?
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Not So Far Away [03 Oct 2010|09:19am]

Not So Far Away...
A Modern Fairy Tale RPG

Premise II Rules II Application II FAQ II Holds/Character List II Wanted Characters II Taken Characters II Friend Button


The Evil Queen, Ozma, Captain Hook, Robin Hood, and Many More!

For as long as anyone can remember, the City has always been one of the largest metropolitan centers in the world. It has had its share of glory and decline, but none so great as the age following the founding of OzCorp. Michael Ozma was no man of magic, but he might as well have been, for the technological wonders he wrought.

Today, however, the Gilded Age is long past. OzCorp, now led by Ozma's three daughters, has become corrupt, and the City has fallen from its glory days. Crime and drugs now rule the streets, though some aristocrats continue to live above it all.

Inspired by folk-lore and fairy-tales, Not So Far Away is a unique Role-Playing World that brings characters from fairytale, folklore, and mythology from around the world together into an ever-expanding universe.
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Eidolon City [03 Oct 2010|11:42am]
Welcome to a world built from ideas and imagination

What do you want from a game?
Do you like things simple, or complex?
Would you prefer to deal on one level, or work towards a larger end?

Eidolon City is a game with a difference. It is a game which works on a number of levels, with elements which you can pick and choose.

Maybe for you, Eidolon City is just a city. A noir world of the 30s and 40s where rival mafias war for control, where the nights are dark and dangerous. Where bright lights make the rich and beautiful glitter and gleam, but cast dark shadows to hide the shady, the homeless, the forgotten dregs of society. There in Eidolon City, characters live out their lives never realising that maybe there is more, that they are not actually what they seem. And some of them may never, in fact, find out the truth.

Or maybe, for you, you want to know what's behind that curtain. Get involved with the origins of it all. Investigate the mysterious village, the theatre, the colleseum - all of which stand on the outskirts of the city, so very out of place, but seemingly accepted by all of the city inhabitants as a normal part of life. But yet, life there is different, odd things seem to happen if you go there. People change.

Because Eidolon City is nothing like what it seems. Underneath it all, it is a world constructed from dreams. Nothing is real, nothing is true. And some of the citizens of Eidolon City are actually its creators. And they have other lives. Because they are dreaming, dreaming of this world whilst in reality they lie in comas, throughout the world. And maybe, eventually, one day they will wake up - if they can find their way out. The escape routes are there, if they find them. If they can realise the truth.

If they even want to.

But what would they be leaving behind? Because this world is there, and they have lives. And not everyone can wake up - because some of the people there are not dreamers at all. Some of the people are figments of the collective dream and imagination, needed aspects of the world, taken from ideas and concepts, characters and mythology. There would be so much to leave behind.

So, what do you want from a game?
The simple, or the more complex - it works both ways.



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[03 Oct 2010|12:12pm]
[info]nightwalkers Get your application in now! Adds being done as we speak.
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[03 Oct 2010|02:09pm]

Her Holiness has arisen and has refocused her powers on rising the Order again, recalling those who died to return to help her. Doing this with the last of her power, she offered a solution to her minions: Find those who escaped Silent Hill. Bring them back for sacrifice and she will come to this world again at her full power. The Sinners must be found and pay the price.

Sadly, those who left would not be enough, she would need many more.

Silent Hill: Lost in Nightmares is about characters that worked for the Order searching out those who left Silent Hill by dragging them back and making others come into the town to be sacrificed.


Links & Wanted Characters

Cast/Taken - Rules - FAQs - Contact - Application - The Town


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[03 Oct 2010|04:34pm]
[info]biography julie benz, mary-louise parker, lucy liu, jennifer carpenter, sarah silverman, desmond harrington, brando eaton
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[03 Oct 2010|05:00pm]
WANTED: Ryan Gosling, Jesse Eisenberg, [info]andygarfield, Olivia Wilde, Amanda Seyfried, Christina Aguilera, Emile Hirsch, Jimmy Fallon, Cameron Diaz, Andy Samberg, Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, Will Arnett, Keri Russell, Scarlett Johansson, Ryan Reynolds, Fergie, Alicia Keys, Adam Levine, Usher, Pharrell, Jay-Z, Rihanna, Drake, Bruno Mars, Travis McCoy AND long shots: Matt Morris, Tony Lucca, JC Chasez, Trace Ayala, Chris Kirkpatrick, Joe Fatone, Lance Bass, & Joanna Garcia.

Would love to have you all at [info]richardlovett.
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[03 Oct 2010|05:25pm]
A brand new PB community set to open Tuesday, October 5, 2010. Holds and applications are being taken now.

Set in any small town, anywhere, USA, Twickenham is the place of memories growing up, songs on the radio, and a painting sold on a sidewalk. Come join us!
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[03 Oct 2010|07:02pm]

welcome to harmony
A city of blue skies, good education, plentiful jobs. People are charming and courteous, crime is kept to a minimal. But lately, shadows lurk in every corner, and amongst whispers in the dark - or occasionally shouts - you hear of unrest and chaos.

Things are rotting, crime steadily increasing, mobs forming, and rival corporations are playing a massive game of chess in an attempt to seize control of whatever secrets they think the former town's ruler has left behind. And you, my dear citizen, are in the middle of all this.
why stay, you ask?
Harmony is more than a city. It grows, it breathes, it watches and waits. Located at a crossroad in the universe, it brims with magic, not always under control. Harmony tends out tendrils of suggestions to help the citizens tolerate the ocassional malfunction. After all, Harmony likes you, and wants you to stay.

Mod Journal + IC Journal + OOC Journal

Premise + Directory + Apply + Rules & FAQ + Wanted
Supplants + Injections
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[03 Oct 2010|07:19pm]
[info]nightwalkers Needs Zacky Baker, Burn Halo, More ladies and especially some of those Supernatural and maybe some of the Glee cast would be awesome! Also still looking for Bigbang, that would be great if I could get those men over there.
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[03 Oct 2010|08:17pm]


Available @Warts
Available @Durms
Apply to 'Warts
Apply to Durms'
The wizarding world has changed, yes. Finally, there is peace and lives are normal. Hogwarts students no longer have anything worse to fear than rejection after they've finally worked up the courage to ask their crush to the Yule Ball. Life is good in their own little world.

But maybe it's time to branch out a little, try to reconnect with other wizarding communities across the world. At least, the Ministry's Department of Magical Cooperation seems to think it is. And they've convinced Hogwarts' board of governors that it's a good idea, as well.

So after working with the governors of Durmstrang, a new program has been implemented, one that will help unify the wizarding world and bring Hogwarts students closer with their international peers. Starting this school year, Hogwarts and Durmstrang will close the gap and tighten the ties.

Will students be able to break down the walls and forge new friendships and love interests? Or will this only prove just how different they really are?

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[03 Oct 2010|09:33pm]
[info]oh_marvelous would love some fresh new faces. We're in particular need of X-Men and any of the boys on the Fantastic Four. Brotherhood members also wouldn't hurt. Really, just about anyone's welcome.
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[03 Oct 2010|09:56pm]

All we need is a Sokka, Iroh, and Ty Lee before we can get this game rolling.
Zuko and Mai are held, so as soon as we get everyone set, we're off.

Come on. You know you want in.

[info]basingsemods // [info]ba_sing_se
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[03 Oct 2010|10:41pm]
Anybody up for a supernatural PSL line? I'm not talking about the show either. Haunted houses,ghosts,demons,etc and so forth. I would be playing the female. THREAD/AIM/PB AND HET, PLEASE!

A fellow ghost hunter/investigator who can investigate some of the most scariest haunted places with my girl, like abandoned mental hospitals, etc. I figured since Halloween is coming up, it might be fun to play something a bit spooky. I'm a fan of Ghost Adventures, mainly because they don't have a fancy camera crew following them and it just seems more real than Ghost Hunters or Paranormal State. They don't really have that much activity going on anyways!

Comment/PM me here or catch me on aim at "Rossumshaped" if you are interested.
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[03 Oct 2010|10:42pm]
[info]align Sean Hayes, Chely Wright, more Broadway people! I would do just about anything.
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[ viewing | October 3rd, 2010 ]
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