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[02 Oct 2010|02:57am]
[info]arigolden Rufus Wainwright, Alexa Chung, Matthew Gray Gubler, Julian Casablancas, Leslie Feist, Beck, Ben Goldwasser, M. Ward, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Dave Annable, Demi Moore, Sandra Bullock, Elijah Wood, Mark Ruffalo, Gael Garcia Bernal, Tim Kasher, Jenny Lewis, Conor Oberst and all the other old Saddle Creek kids plus the Matador kids, maybe some Vagrant kids, bring us Rivers Cuomo and the Get Up Kids and my world might implode. Neon Trees, Juliette Lewis, Jason Lee, Dave Matthews, Courtney Love, Natalie Portman, Karen O and her fellas, Andrew Stockdale, Steve Bays, Meg White, Jack White, Alison Mosshart, plus Tim Burton, Helena Bonham Carter, Quentin Tarantino, Kevin Smith, Michel Gondry, Thurston Moore, John Cusack, Woody Harrelson, Milla Jovovich, Kanye West, Kid Cudi, Andy Burrows and this sexy fella for even more of the longshots.
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Epitaph [02 Oct 2010|06:24pm]
Who are we?

We are an original character supernatural game based in the very near future, in a world where the lines between 'normal' and everything else are fracturing all over the place. A world that seems to be pretty much falling apart and where everyone is having to adapt to stay alive.

The game focuses on certain areas around the world. These areas have been cut off from the world at large, but are connected to each other by a series of mystical doorways. Each area has it's own issues and problems to deal with - whether that be rampaging vampires, supernatural gang warfare, food shortages, or just learning to get on with life.

We have a friendly and welcoming game environment and player base and dynamic plots that range from the small, involving just a couple of players, to overarching game plots. A supportive mod team ensures that everyone gets as much as they can from the game itself.

We're also looking for new characters! Could you play one of them?

Who are you?

You are Noah St James. You're an eighteen year old musician from Marquette, Michigan. Last summer, your dreams came true and you and your high school band were signed to a small record label and moved to New York to work on an album. Well, you and two out of the three other band members moved - your best friend and lead guitarist, Thom Harkin stayed behind and left the band. Only you know why - Thom has a secret he cannot tell. He is a protector, sworn to protect your little sister, Kaysen, with his life. You know his secret, you know why he had to stay behind as you left the small town for the bright lights of Manhattan. Only then Manhattan got cut off and the world around you changed.

You are Devon and maybe you've been a hunter all your life. Or maybe not - your past is pretty much your own. One thing's for certain though, you can handle yourself. You're capable, and assured and maybe have a few tricks up your sleeve. Life lately hasn't been good to you though, because currently, you're missing. At least, you are according to your best friend Deacon, and according to the teenager you took under your wing a few months back, Rori. They're both looking for you and all they know is that you're alive. They'd really like to find you sometime soon.

You are Heidi Ramone. You're an air elemental, but life for you was fairly normal until you took that job after college working at the Stanley Hotel. And then suddenly there were ghosts, and the place got cut off and well, there's not a whole lot to do out there in the middle of nowhere. Of course, then that door in the ballroom appeared, and you found out you could visit other places - places all round the world. And damn, but you're a curious one...

You are Mackenzie Quinn and you've been on the run for the last two years. Ever since you woke up from that accident and realised that you made everyone around you go nuts. You don't mean it, you don't want it - you'd just like to be a normal 16 year old girl, but nobody asked you what you wanted. Now your lifeline and support is Isaac Millan, a guy twice your age who seemed to appear out of nowhere, but who keeps you safe and keeps you alive. It's possible that your reliance on him is turning more than a little unhealthy.

You are Switchboard. The voice of Manhattan, the nerve center of it all. You are holding it all together, playing music, playing emergency call operator, you're the sense of humor that keeps people going, the woman with the power to touch lives. Touch everyone's lives, since everything happened. There's a bright side, damnit, and you find it. And when you do, you're going to share it. Light up the dark, fill those sound waves with your voice and music. Rock on, Manhattan. You'll be there to guide.

You are Maxine Bennet. Or maybe you are her husband, Brendan Bennet. Either way, you're trying to support your daughter, Roxie, who you adopted when she was 11 years old. It was only then that you discovered that she was a dreamwalker. Times have been interesting since then, and you've tried to support her. You've also tried to bring her up in the ways of your church - the Church of Harmony. you believe that all creatures, no matter what race, devotion, subset, or supernatural species or ability, deserve tolerance and peace. Unfortunately they don't all believe that in return.


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[02 Oct 2010|10:57pm]
Home for a Norbert Leo Butz and a Sherie Rene Scott? Does anyone play Michelle Federer or Adam Pascal and want to come with?
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ONE DECISON [02 Oct 2010|11:27pm]



One decision changes everything.

Currently Cast
Wanted Characters
FAQ/Drop Box

The Concept

Choices. We make them every day. Yes or no. Left or right. Chinese food or pizza. Should I stay or should I go? We make them without even realizing it, and they have shaped and molded us into the people we are today.

But as long as there have been choices, there has been the nagging question: ”How would my life be if I had done just one thing differently?” We’ve all asked it. Even you. What if I had said yes instead of no? Went right instead of left? Had pizza instead of Chinese? The concept of “What if...” has been around for as long as anyone can remember, but it’s always been just that; a concept.

But what if it wasn’t anymore?

The Experiment

Dr. Joshua Ryson. You may not know his name, at least not now, but when you hear about his life’s work, you’ll never forget him. It was Ryson’s idea to do an experiment based off of the “What if ...” concept. First he created the place; a “town” called Utopia. But what was a town without citizens? So he brought in people. Not just average joe’s like you and me, though. He brought in characters from different types of media; video games, books, movies, tv, and altered their history, their memories. Dr. Ryson changed one decision that each of these people made, and sat back and watched how it affected their lives and the lives of those around them. Because your choices don’t just affect you. They affect everyone you know.

Of course, they have no idea what’s going on. They have no idea that anythings been changed; they just think that’s how their life has always been. They have no idea that they’re every move is being monitored, and recorded, for science.

The Explanation

This game takes your favorite characters from literature, cinema, television, and video games and lets you decide how their life turned out. Maybe they didn’t sleep with someone. Maybe they did. Maybe their lives were changed by the simple choice of where to eat breakfast. For example, if Lilly Kane never slept with Aaron Echolls, there would have been no sex tapes to find and Lilly would have lived. This means that no one who comes in from after her death would be aware she died. Please consider the ways other characters decisions from your fandom would affect your character when applying.

The decision must be one made by your character, weather conscious or not. Also keep in mind that your character will not be the only one affected by this decision. Everyone in their lives will be changed by this. Also, just because your character’s history has been rewritten, it will not change their overall personality, or their sexuality, so keep it canon.

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GLEE CLUB [02 Oct 2010|11:27pm]



So you like show tunes. It doesn't mean you're gay. It just means you're awful.

Player Directory
Friending Button
It's a new year at McKinley High. Fresh from their embarrassing loss at Regionals, the Glee Club was miraculously granted another year. One last chance to prove themselves. They have to make this one count. Will they be able to do it? Now that they've lost, how has it affected them? Now that Quinn finally gave birth and gave baby Beth up for adoption, how will this change her? What's in store for Finn and Rachel now that he told her he loved her? Will Puck stay true to Quinn after admitting he loved her? How far will Coach Sylvester go to ruin the Glee Club she secretly saved?

Now's your chance to be part of the magic. Canons and OC's welcome. However, if you have an Original Character, we do expect a fairly detailed backstory. If your character is to be connected and/or related to any of the other canon characters, we do ask you contact the player of the character and discuss this with them first.

What happens next in the halls of William McKinley High? Well, that, my friends is up to you!

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THE HUNGER GAMES RP [02 Oct 2010|11:46pm]

May the odds ever be in your favor.



In the months following the rebellion and the death of President Coin at the hands of the Mockingjay, the newly appointed President Paylor has been working to improve a nation left unstable by the previous mutiny. With the Hunger Games abolished for good and the destruction of arenas well underway, Paylor hopes to unify the people of the districts in an attempt to ensure equality in Panem throughout her rule and beyond. But with change there comes conflict. The citizens of Panem must now adapt to the new era that is upon them, and this adaptation is not met well by those who had benefited from or had become accustomed to the way things had been done under President Snow’s rule. As a result, a series of uprisings have spread throughout the nation, halting every effort to bring the people together. With this unrest threatening the fragile order that had been established following the recent elections, the President has requested Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark – as trusted figures of the previous rebellion – to help her quell this resistance. Now, the two of them must set out with a group to subdue the districts, be it by reaching an agreement or by force. But will these attempts to achieve some kind of peace at last succeed? Or will they only drive the districts of Panem further apart?


We are in no way affiliated with Suzanne Collins or own any rights to The Hunger Games, Catching Fire or Mockingjay. This is an RPG made to have fun and bring together those with writing talent who simply want to further the story told by the author. Please support the official release.
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