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Ha! [04 Sep 2010|08:13pm]

[ mood | drunk ]

I know someone wants to come watch Camp Rock 2 with Johnny lol it IS the FINAL Jam!

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It's me! [03 Sep 2010|10:22pm]

[ mood | sleepy ]

Johnny Fucking Christ! I haven't gone anywhere. I've just been really busy. Welcome everyone!

Johnny is Drunk

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sweetestjessica [29 Aug 2010|10:03pm]

Hey, I'm Jess. I am addicted to Horders and am way too wrapped up in working on this new album. Save me from myself, people outside the bubble are fun to talk to! :)
49 comments|post comment

;D [25 Aug 2010|09:32pm]

[ mood | excited ]
[ music | HIM ]

Hi everyone! I am so excited to be here! I can't wait to talk to old friends and make new friends! Call me! Kat Von D Love

6 comments|post comment

Yo! [23 Aug 2010|01:37pm]

[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | "Head Against The Wall' - ANew Revolution ]

Johnny Christ is here! Badass like always. Glad to be here and feel free to aim me! Peace out, fuckers!

Johnny is drunk

5 comments|post comment

[16 Aug 2010|07:22pm]



[info]oldmagic to join.
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