April 14th, 2011

[info]becomedeath in [info]devolve2

Josh - Thursday late afternoon

He'd spent most of the day in the greenhouses, weeding and watering, fertilizing and tending. It was soothing in a way he couldn't even begin to describe and even though his powers were starting to buzz under his skin again his vision was still mostly okay and he was actually fairly relaxed. That didn't mean he wasn't still grateful that the halls were mostly quiet and empty as he made his way back to his room. He mostly liked being back in the house, but it still freaked him out a bit when he came across more than one person at a time in the confines of a hall or stairway.

He was most of the way to his room when he stopped in the hall outside Josh's door. He hesitated for a moment and started to walk on, then turned abruptly back, raised a hand and knocked, quick and quiet.

[info]_sparky_ in [info]devolve2


He wasn't sure what he'd done now, but he was going to find out. )

[info]set_to_stun in [info]devolve2


As promised, Thursday afternoon at 12:50, Kitty waited for Chase in the control room of the Danger Room. The door stood ajar and inside Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots played quietly. The windows into the Danger Room itself showed nothing but a massive empty room, although the control panels were all booted up and humming.

The girl in question had taken a seat at the central desk, where she sat playing with a small puzzle made of two pieces of twisted metal. She wore an expression of serene concentration, her mind totally engaged but still totally at ease, as she twisted the pieces back and forth. Every time she twisted them just right, so the pieces slid into two separate parts, she phased them back together and started again.

[info]arsenical in [info]devolve2


Seeking the Heart of the Labyrinth )