Apr. 25th, 2011



Though it seemed like there were more early risers around than there had been before the outbreak, the early morning hours were still relatively quiet. On average, Paige only really saw a handful of other people up then, depending on the day and the season. Sometimes it was necessary for certain people to be awake at the crack of dawn, but the number of folks who were up then because they actually wanted to be seemed to remain at a low and constant number.

That was one of the best things about the morning. She could run before she had to worry about too many people trying to stop her to talk, and she could just listen to the world as it woke up. There wasn't really quite as much to listen to anymore, but it was still enough to get the point across. New day, new chance to do something worthwhile.

Her usual circuit of the grounds completed for the morning, Paige had ducked into the kitchen to make some coffee and was on her way out to take a cup to one of the other people guaranteed to be up that early. Even though there wasn't a whole supply group going out on Monday, she knew that Sam would be down in the garage doing a check of the cars anyway. She peered in quietly, smiling as she spotted the popped hood of one of the vans, and made her way over to where he was working.

"Morning," Paige greeted as she approached. "Brought you some coffee."