Apr. 14th, 2011



He wasn't sure what he'd done now, but he was going to find out. )

Apr. 10th, 2011



Paige was taking advantage of the fact that Mel wanted to use their bedroom to watch movies with some of the other girls in the colony. She'd excused herself, sure that none of the teenagers really wanted her there anyway... and even more sure that she didn't want to be around to listen to whatever it was that teenagers gossiped about now. So she'd headed down to the library, where she was sure she'd find something to read that would distract her for at least a few hours.

She was right, and about two hours later, she was still down there, curled in a chair, book in her lap. A few people had come and gone, but at the moment she was alone, enjoying the peace and quiet.

Apr. 8th, 2011



Jono started digging through his admittedly obscenely large playlist looking for proper horrors and zombie themed songs for Lee. Then he could rip them to her player.

So far besides Rob Zombie (Which was obvious, really what was Jubilee thinking, leaving him out?), he had a few others queued up and waiting for whenever she descended on him to critique his additions. It was a rather nice way to pass an evening. Especially since he was done with his scouting runs for the week.

Tapping off his fag in the ashtray on his desk, he took another drag as he opened his file of Tom Petty songs. He could think of one off the top of his head, but there were probably others as well. There was no need to wait for knocking, Lee would let herself in.

Apr. 2nd, 2011


Kickoff party (Open to all)

The human colony was finally back to something resembling normal, and those who had stayed to help rebuild over the course of the month had all returned, having fixed and even bolstered the colony's defenses. The weather was also beginning to turn from cold and miserable to something a little bit warmer and slightly less miserable, and both of those events were enough reason to celebrate.

Instead of the usual carefully balanced dinner, the meal had been made with more of a focus on flavor, and had been laid out buffet-style in the dining hall. There were more treats than normal, and though many adults were aware that it was a sign that some of the chocolate and other treats were nearing the end of their shelf-life, it was still an impressive and well appreciated treat.

In the library, a decent selection of alcohol was laid out for the older residents, and in the recreation room, a couple of teenagers had put themselves in charge of keeping a steady flow of entertaining yet age-appropriate films running throughout the evening. Another resident had put himself in charge of music, and was taking requests in the dining hall.

((OOC:Here it is! Have fun! For everyone who was on the Saturday supply team, you'll be arriving home from the run shortly after the party starts.))