May. 13th, 2011



Lance had never been a great mechanic, and he hadn't really ever worried too much about it. It had always been enough for him to be one of the junior people at the shop, doing whatever jobs they gave him. There were a few times when he had screwed things up but never to the point where things were irreparably broken. All you had to do was teach Lance once, though. At least when it came to mechanics.

So Lance was more than happy to be doing whatever small things he could to the tractors. He was humming while he worked. Fortunately it wasn't Gaga; it was some Maroon 5 song, which probably wasn't much better when he asked some of the music snobs around here, but he doubted that Chase would care too much.

"Since your wife's mental T-Rex hasn't eaten me in the night, I guess I'm not being a bad enough influence on you yet, huh?" he asked with a wink.

Apr. 24th, 2011



Raven waited in the control room for the boy, silently focused on making a few changes to one of her training simulations. They were minor details, but there were some things that absolutely needed to be perfect in order for her to find them acceptable as training tools. It was more time consuming than anything, checking everything and making the minor changes, but it was something to do while she waited.

Generally, when someone came in and desired to be on one of the teams, they had to pass an assessment. Lucky her, she got to be the assessor. There were a number of skills that needed to be up to par in order for her to be comfortable letting anyone off-grounds on one of the supply teams, and even though the boy who was coming in to test seemed fairly confident that because of his years living on the outside, he was a shoo-in, there were many things that relied on more than just one's ability to not get bitten for two years.

Apr. 23rd, 2011


Tony - Backdated to Monday April 18th

Meeting Mr. Stark )

Apr. 14th, 2011



As promised, Thursday afternoon at 12:50, Kitty waited for Chase in the control room of the Danger Room. The door stood ajar and inside Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots played quietly. The windows into the Danger Room itself showed nothing but a massive empty room, although the control panels were all booted up and humming.

The girl in question had taken a seat at the central desk, where she sat playing with a small puzzle made of two pieces of twisted metal. She wore an expression of serene concentration, her mind totally engaged but still totally at ease, as she twisted the pieces back and forth. Every time she twisted them just right, so the pieces slid into two separate parts, she phased them back together and started again.

Apr. 13th, 2011



Clinging to what's left. )

Apr. 10th, 2011


Jimmy, Chase, Gert

Molly had decided that Sunday was a good day to visit Jimmy. He spent a good chunk of it keeping an eye on the gates, and she figured that it got lonely... and if anything exciting was going to happen on a Sunday, it was probably going to happen there. Of course, nothing exciting did happen, usually, but at the very least she would probably get a good arm-wrestling match out of the whole thing.

"So," she leaned back in her seat, looking up at the large man. "What's with the shades? Not that it isn't a good look or anything, because it totally is. It's just not usually your thing."