Feb. 21st, 2008


Fic: Five Things That Might Have Happened...

Title: Five Things That Might Have Happened On the Night Following the Eclipse
Author: [info]r_grayjoy
Characters: Cain, Glitch, Raw, DG, Azkadellia, & Ahamo in various combinations (one Cain/Glitch)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,770
Summary: A series of five unconnected ficlets all taking place in or near Azkadellia's tower on the night following the end of the miniseries.
Author's Notes: A couple of weeks ago, this comm issued the drabble prompt "Azkadellia's tower." I couldn't seem to write a drabble for it to save my life; everything I started to write tried to grow on me. Eventually I took several of my false starts and half-formed ideas, and turned them into this.

Five Things That Might Have Happened On the Night Following the Eclipse )

Feb. 2nd, 2008


Title: Would you? Could you?
Author: Ceria
Character/Pairing: n/a
Prompt: Azkadellia's Tower
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Warnings: This ain't Dr. Seuss.

Read more... )

Jan. 28th, 2008


Drabble Prompt 4: Azkadellia's Tower

By definition, a "drabble" is a work of fiction exactly 100 words in length. Similarly, a "drawble" is a piece of art, generally a simple drawing or sketch, that requires no more than about 20-30 minutes to complete.

Your challenge is to produce a drabble or drawble based on the prompt: Azkadellia's Tower. To whom did it belong before Azkadellia made it her seat of power? What events transpired there while Azkadellia was in charge? What became of the tower once Azkadellia was defeated? So many possibilities with this one, before, during, and after the events of the miniseries!