Jan. 9th, 2008


transportation drabble

Title: The Perils of Inspiration
Author: Mentha (greenspine)
Pairing: Glitch/Cain (established relationship)
Prompt: Transportation
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100

cut for slightly dodgy content )

Jan. 8th, 2008


First Class

Title: First Class
Author: lionille
Pairing: imminent Glitch/Cain
Prompt: Transportation
Rating: G
Word Count: 100

hither )

Jan. 7th, 2008


Drabbles for Prompt: Transportation

Title: Persistence
Author: [info]r_grayjoy
Characters: Glitch, Cain
Prompt: transportation
Rating: general
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: A response from Glitch to Cain's admonition to "trust no one" in the O.Z.

Persistence )

Title: The Worst By Far
Author: [info]r_grayjoy
Characters: General Lonot
Prompt: transportation
Rating: general
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Thanks to [info]eeyore9990 for spot-checking these!

The Worst By Far )


Transported, Cain/Glitch, PG-13

Title: Transported
Artist/Author: [info]eeyore9990
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Cain/Glitch
Prompt (if applicable): Transportation
Rating: PG-13 for implied boom chicka bow wow in their future
Word Count (for fic): 100
Warnings (if applicable): Smut-ish
Author's/Artist's Notes (if applicable): Thank to [info]rgrayjoy for looking this over and prodding me to write and sending me the link to the bittorrent files and squeeing with me and making a map and…

Transported )


Title: Never
Author: Ceria
Character/Pairing: Ahamo
Prompt: Transportation
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Warnings: n/a
A/N: thank you, Rowan, for checking these for me.

Read more... )

Title: Damn him
Character/Pairing: Demilo - of course
Prompt: Transportation
Rating: PG-13 for implied content
Word Count: 100
A/N: Did I mention I don't own the characters or universe? Not makin' any money from them either.

Read more... )


Drabble Prompt 1: Transportation

We have a few folks gradually joining us here in [info]demilos_wagon. We expect more will find their way soon. In the mean time, we'd like to issue our first drabble/drawble challenge and encourage everyone to start playing along.

By definition, a "drabble" is a work of fiction exactly 100 words in length. Similarly, a "drawble" is a piece of art, generally a simple drawing or sketch, that requires no more than about 20-30 minutes to complete.

Your challenge is to produce a drabble or drawble based on the prompt: Transportation. We've seen some interesting ways to travel in the O.Z., from tornadoes and travel storms, to walking, horses, hot air balloons, and automobiles -- and Demilo's wagon, of course. This leaves you with plenty of options for writing and drawing. Have some fun with this!