Jan. 20th, 2008


Continuity in the "Missing Years"?

It's [info]r_grayjoy here this time, with a question that's been driving me batty. Help!

Fifteen years ago, Azkadellia became possessed by the ancient witch, and killed DG. The Queen sacrificed her magic to give DG life, then immediately had her taken to the Other Side so that Azkadellia wouldn't know she was alive or be able to find her. Eventually, DG returned to the O.Z., and the events of the miniseries took place. What I'm interested in hashing out is the timing of events in the fifteen years between Azkadellia's initial possession and DG's return.

A few facts, and a whole lot of speculation. )

Jan. 16th, 2008


Wyatt Freakin' Cain. I thought they were pissing on your grave

Considering the series is titled Tin Man, we're going to begin the character discussions with one of the most obvious choices in the series, the Tin Man himself. I'd love to say this is short, but alas, it is not. What we have beneath the cut are my notes (from a viewer's point of view) on his basic character development throughout the miniseries. I've skipped some things and ignored some things, but that's why this is a discussion; you're invited to point it out in the comments.

Read more... )

All right, peeps, this is posted under the mod account because Cain is open for discussion, but [info]ceria wrote it and I have to admit; I've never done anything like this before. If you like it or don't like it, feel free to tell me. You can't write an essay about character development without including the other characters, but I tried to minimize it and focus on Cain, keeping my personal opinions as neutral as possible.