January 21st, 2008

[info]wagon_drivers in [info]demilos_wagon

Drabble Prompt 3: Longcoats

We've received some great responses to the drabble prompts so far. Keep them coming!

By definition, a "drabble" is a work of fiction exactly 100 words in length. Similarly, a "drawble" is a piece of art, generally a simple drawing or sketch, that requires no more than about 20-30 minutes to complete.

Your challenge is to produce a drabble or drawble based on the prompt: Longcoats. To complement the recent discussion on Cain, how about taking a quick look at Azkadellia's army in the O.Z.? How do the various characters view the Longcoats? What's it like to be a Longcoat? And just what does a Longcoat keep under his long coat, anyway? ::smirk:: Do tell!