Monday, July 21st, 2014

Age Before Beauty (tag: Zeus)

The problem with Pop-Tarts was their availability. One generally didn't go to the Egyptian marketplace and find street vendors selling them. There were a few countries where they were more common, but among those, the best selection by far was found in the U.S. So every few months, Re took a trip and stocked up. Raspberry and cherry were his favorites, but his purchases were never limited to just those. Variety was the spice of life, after all.

If he got a few odd looks pushing a shopping cart full of cases of Pop-Tarts, Re just smiled in his friendly way and overlooked them for the most part. He had the look of a well-dressed yet senile man, so let them think what they would. They got their money, he got his Pop-Tarts, and everyone was happy. He also never went to the same town twice, because how boring would that be? They might go home, mention the old guy that bought a shit-ton of Pop-Tarts, and that would be the end of it. They'd go on with their day to day lives, and forget it ever happend.

This shopping trip he'd decided to visit Louisville. )
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Sunday, July 13th, 2014

Twighlight Tea (tag: Re)

Family life had a tendency to keep Nyx overly busy. Though she wouldn't trade it for a second for a more peaceful and sedate existence. Her children were the most important things in her life, excepting Erebos, and she knew that her husband felt as she did. As intimately tied to one another as they were, their offspring were the embodiment of that and as such they took precedence over almost everything.

Unfortunately, this meant that Nyx had little time for friendships )
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Friday, November 8th, 2013

Another Sunny Day (open)

Re was comfortably settled in his favorite spot on the front porch. He actually thought he had everything for once. His newspaper was beside him, with the usual complaints of Egypt's current political climate. His reading glasses sat on top of it, with an ashtray, pipe, and tobacco nearby. He'd even remembered the lighter. A pitcher of iced sun-tea and an already filled glass rounded out the table. He even had his Ipad. A gift from a certain loved one. At first, Re had questioned the choice, but now...

Re was seriously addicted to Candy Crush Saga.

Behind the table, a checker board waited, just in case someone would stop by. An extra, empty glass waited as well.

Munching on his cold Pop Tart, he wondered if anyone actually would drop by. He had a large family, and friends throughout the many pantheons, but he knew they were all busy folks. He smiled as he recalled the days when he was just as busy, and sighed in content at the knowledge that those days were long gone for him. Occasionally he missed it, but it was rare, and today was not one of those days. He had enough to worry about at night, he didn't need that shit during the day, too.

His Pop Tart finished, Re took a drink of his tea and settled back to fill his pipe. Good tobacco. Fine tea. Warm day. Life was good.
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Sunday, June 16th, 2013

It's all Relative [tag: Re]

The Salisbury Plain. Thoth had to admit it that had a certain mystical quality to it, he supposed. Especially when the sun rose or set over the monumental landmark that distinguished the Plain from others and became to many a definite stop when visiting southern England. The logical part of Thoth's brain knew that it had something to do with the latitude, the way the barometric pressure tended to be and the fact that the henge stones were massive and created just a sense of wonder and awe in the mortal onlookers. That was the easy answer. The rest... not so much.

It was magical and mystical and it was definitely a curious wonder all in itself. Firstly, how and when it was built. For hundreds of years Thoth visited Stonehenge hoping to figure out the answers to his questions. It had always been thought, and the Greeks still tended to think it, that the Celts were a young people. At least in comparison to Egypt, Sumer and Greece, but that couldn't be so. At least not to the degree many believed. )
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Thursday, April 18th, 2013

A New Day (open)


A bright new day, the Sun barely breaking the horizon as its rays reached out to warm the land As Re stumbled to his kitchen, he mused (as he did many mornings) about how grateful he was to be back. Many took it all for granted. The sun rose, the sun set, the sun rose...the cycle was endless to their minds. They never knew what perils he faced each night. While he was confident in his abilities, and those of the gods that joined him in his barque to protect him, he also knew not to underestimate the serpent. Apep was even older than he was, and his old adversary had many tricks.

But here he was... )
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