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A Common Concern (tag: Hedylogos) [20 Nov 2008|05:39pm]

The trouble with it was that it tended to leave one with time to think. To ponder things that might be better left alone. Isis had never learned to leave well enough alone, though. Not when it came to those she cared about.

While Nergal's visit had been rather insightful, it was a different visitor that she was reflecting on. She had thoroughly enjoyed showing Sigyn around her homeland, and had been delighted once again to see the change that had come about in the goddess. She was a far cry from the lost woman that had been looking at hats and ended up crying in Isis' villa, admitting to having chosen at one point to give up on life. All because of one man. A man that had recently returned to her life.

[ viewing | November 20th, 2008 ]
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