Dawn's First Light { in character }
Recent Entries 
Welcome to Dawn's First Light.

The in-game date is: Monday, October 9, 2006.

Current weather is:
High Temp: 59F
Low Temp: 39F
Average Temp: 53.7F
Dewpoint: 50.8F
Wind Speed: 1.4 Knots
Precipitation Amount: 0.24 Inches
Snow Depth: n/a
Observations: Fog, Rain/Drizzle

Current moonphase is: Waning Moon.

Current Key Events: Volturi Scouts!

15th-Jul-2009 11:47 pm [bella, edward]
Who: Bella and Edward
What: Le Change
When: Evening of the 12th
Where: Chez Cullen
Rating: PG-13ish probably
Status: Incomplete

before the sun set )
17th-Jun-2009 08:23 pm [bella, edward]
Who: Edward and Bella Cullen; OPEN if anyone else wants to join as well.
What: Bella receives some news that makes her choke, literally.
When: The morning after the pack meeting.
Where: The Cullen Home; Kitchen
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

had the pack eaten her? )
14th-Jun-2009 04:39 pm [alice, carlisle, edward, embry, jacob, jasper, leah, maria, paul, rosalie, sam]
WHO: Sam, the Pack, and then the volunteering Cullens and their little visitor
WHEN: Sunset! September 2, 2006
WHERE: The killing field! That's how I'm referring to it in my head.
RATING: WHO KNOWS, we've got bitter teen wolves and vampires with chips on their shoulders. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some cussing.
STATUS: Complete

His own urge to change was there, to bare his teeth at this new monster on the land, but talking was probably on Carlisle's agenda. )

Note: Posting order? Apparently we don't need no stinking posting order. Come on in, the water's fine.
12th-Jun-2009 10:26 pm [edward, maria]
WHO: Edward and Maria
WHEN: Ummm, slightly backdated; sometime after the return from Le Honeymoon
WHERE: Casa de Cullen!

Just because she enjoyed quenching her blood thirst didn’t make her a slave to it. )
22nd-Apr-2009 06:46 pm [bella, edward]
Who: Edward, Bella
Where: Isle Esme, beach
When: Afternoon August 18

well, not as far as he could throw her as that would be ridiculous )
22nd-Apr-2009 11:46 am [bella, edward]
Who: Edward and Bella.
What: Exploring Isle Esme. Hurrah!
When: August 15, 2006, evening. (Backdated, sorry about that folks.)
Where: Isle Esme, of course.
Rating: PG-13? Nothing you wouldn't find in the books themselves.
Status: Incomplete.

Oh Alice, wait until Bella has eternity to get even with you for the things you make her wear. )
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