Dawn's First Light { in character }
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Welcome to Dawn's First Light.

The in-game date is: Monday, October 9, 2006.

Current weather is:
High Temp: 59F
Low Temp: 39F
Average Temp: 53.7F
Dewpoint: 50.8F
Wind Speed: 1.4 Knots
Precipitation Amount: 0.24 Inches
Snow Depth: n/a
Observations: Fog, Rain/Drizzle

Current moonphase is: Waning Moon.

Current Key Events: Volturi Scouts!

24th-Aug-2009 09:44 pm [jacob, sam]
WHO: Dominic (NPC!), Jacob, and Sam
WHEN: Wednesday, October 4, 2006; nightfall
WHERE: Forest, somewhere on the Quileute side of the treaty line
RATING: PG-13? R? There be violence coming.

Dominic viewed this as a chance to show his worth to the Volturi, and not like the suicide mission it seemed to be. )
14th-Aug-2009 10:22 am
Who: Peter and Rebecca
What: Peter was told not to do something, so he's flirting with it. Nice.
Where: About two feet from the treaty line (Peter is on the Cullen side)
When: September 21, 2006 4:30 PM

They'd told him where he was and wasn't allowed to go. He was more than willing to abide those rules. Peter wasn't a troublemaker, or a barbarian by any means. But he had an insatiable curiosity. And while his fear of the unknown werewolves on the La Push Reservation was fairly high on the things to be afraid of meter...His curiosity was higher. He'd met Jacob, he seemed like a nice enough kid, and he was intensely curious about the rest of them.

He knew that they would probably kill him if he got too close, but he wasn't exactly in the best mental state and he wasn't sure he cared too much about that part of it all. So, Peter was exploring. Maria and Jacob had shown him exactly where not to go, and Jake left him with a stern warning that he wasn't in control of all the werewolves on the reservation. There were some that wouldn't even bother asking questions.

He kept a weather eye out as he explored, he didn't see anything of interest. Just a lot of forest, the sound of the ocean faintly in the background, but he stayed on his side of the line.
12th-Aug-2009 11:26 am [jasper, peter]
Who: Peter and Jasper
When: BACKDATED: September 21, 2006
What: Peter called Jasper, Jasper is coming to get his sorry ass
Where: Edgewater Hotel, Penthouse Suite, Seattle, WA
Status: Incomplete-But still full of awesome

Well, we made a promise we swore we'd always remember. No retreat, baby, no surrender )
1st-Aug-2009 01:33 pm [**open**, carlisle, katrina, maria, rosalie]
Who: Rosalie Hale & Open!
When: 23rd September, 2006
Where: Cullen Home: Living Room
What: Rosalie is tired of waiting for things to happen and wants to make things happen on their terms.
Rating: PG-13

Damn them all. )
29th-Jul-2009 09:30 am [aro, caius, irina]
WHO: Irina and the Volturi (mostly Aro and Caius with a cameo or two)
WHEN: September 24, 2006 (FORWARD DATING! WHOA! Because I realized after I wrote it that Alice should've seen this coming and said something. Whoopsie.)
WHERE: Volterra!
STATUS: Finito!

For the second time in her long life, Irina stood perfectly still as Aro held her hand. )
27th-Jul-2009 03:28 pm [**open**, jacob, seth]
Who:Seth Clearwater and **OPEN**
What:Being bored and getting character interaction?
Where:First Beach
When:Mid-day? Like noon
Rating:PG, I imagine
Status:Open and in progress
They're gonna clean up your looks/With all the lies in the books/To make a citizen out of you/Because they sleep with a gun/And keep an eye on you, son/So they can watch all the things you do )
23rd-Jul-2009 09:23 pm [jacob, maria]
Who: Jake and Maria probably being adorable and kissing with tongues
What: Jake is trying to calm her down before her big meet and greet with the family.
When: A few hours prior to said dinner party.
Where: Maria's room.

Jacob was sitting on the couch in Maria's room flipping through the channels on her television. As much as she seemed to think she wasn't sticking around for long she sure had made herself at home. There were touches of her all over the room, and more than a few things she'd bought since she'd been here. It amused him to tease her about it to no end, but he knew as well as anyone that she wasn't going anywhere. And if she was, she wouldn't get far.

Jacob Black was in love, for the first time in his life, and unlike most first loves...This one was always going to feel like this. There was always going to be the energy there that he couldn't get enough of. He knew without a shadow of a doubt that Maria was it. As much as he'd thought he was in love with Bella, he was wrong. That had nothing on this. Just sitting here in her room, knowing that she'd walk in at any second put butterflies in his stomach. His mind, body, and soul was holding onto her tighter than he even knew he could hold. Everyone always used to tell him that he could light up a room, for the first time he felt himself lighting up when she walked in. He felt warmer somehow, and safer. He felt amazing just knowing that he was hers.

The only problem with this situation was that Jacob knew Maria was expecting him to leave. He knew that as logical as it all was, and as strong as it all felt, Maria was not so certain. And Jacob had the rest of eternity to prove it to her. He didn't care what she was (he loved what she was, he wouldn't have her any other way.), he didn't care what she'd done (because all of that had just been bringing her to him), and he didn't care what his kind was supposed to think (because as much as he missed them, he felt grounded knowing that he'd always have Maria). He wasn't going anywhere far from her. Ever.

It was this one tiny insecurity of Maria that had Jacob sitting in her bedroom that day watching TV in a pair of slacks and a button down shirt (completely untucked and not all the way buttoned...But for Jake it was practically a tuxedo), and no shoes at all waiting for her to show up. He wanted to clear the air about a few things, and he wanted to tell her that no matter what happened he was still with her. He needed her to remember that, and he knew as long as she did, everything would go wonderfully.

He heard her coming up the stairs, and he looked toward the door just as she walked in, he felt the smile crossing his face before he even had time to think about smiling. "PYT, welcome back, I hear you went hunting. Again. Didn't you get enough hunting done during out clothing optional hunting trip early? Afraid if you don't fill up you'll eat Rachel?" he said clearly teasing as he turned off of "MOMENT OF IMPACT" on the national geographic channel and motioned for her to come join him on the couch.
21st-Jul-2009 03:03 pm [alice, carlisle, jacob, leah, maria, rachel, rebecca, seth]
WHO: Cullens, Autobots, and Maria
WHEN: Sunday night, September 17, 2006
WHERE: Cullen House!
STATUS: In Progress

Carlisle wasn’t sure how it came to pass that they were throwing a dinner party, but sometimes he found it best not to ask questions. )
20th-Jul-2009 09:07 pm [bella, jacob]
Who: Bella and Jacob
What: Probably something with Jacob taunting, and Bella glaring
When: Early afternoon!
Where: The Cullen House
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Now she just needed to see how her temper would match against Jake's idea of humor. )
17th-Jul-2009 10:16 pm [jacob, rachel]
Who: Jake and Rachel
What: Jake wants to hang out with his sister
Where: First her place, then maybe out wandering or maybe just eating all her food. Who knows
When: After Jake went to the Cullens to check on everyone, after he did some homework, aka its late night time.

Jacob felt sorry for his sisters, but for right now it was a toss up to see which one had it worse. Rachel who was inadvertently in the middle whether he or Paul wanted her to be or not; or Rebecca was at home running a fever that would kill any normal person. He had asked Leah to hang out with Becca while he got some things done, and since it was evening and Seth was a super student whose homework had been done hours ago, he was hanging out with the Cullens.

All in all it was pretty quiet on the res that night, he saw a few lights on in the houses and a few of the older kids hanging out outside smoking cigarettes behind garages. He waved to a few of them and they nodded back. Mostly he kept his hands in his pockets and tried to make the walk as quickly as possible. He didn't want to run into anyone from the pack, and he certainly didn't want to run into Sam. He said hi to the few people who were still out on their porches and when he reached Rachel's place he let himself in.

"Rach?" he said as he closed the door behind him.
16th-Jul-2009 08:26 pm [jacob, maria, sam]
Who: Jake, Maria, some wolves.
What: Jake and Maria are sitting in the forest canoodling outside the Cullen compound whil Bella gets changed...Wolves are patrolling...They're busted like whoa....PACK SPLIT HERE!
Where: The forest duh

Jake wasn't going to even pretend that he wasn't concerned about Bella and this whole being changed into a vampire thing. But he found himself trusting Edward Cullen, and that was new for him. But he also found that it wasn't so difficult. He saw the entire situation through a brand new pair of eyes, and he was confident that Edward wouldn't let anything bad happen to Bella.

So he and Maria were hanging back. They weren't talking much, he'd probably been driving her crazy with all his newborn vampire questions, so he was trying to keep those to a minimum. For the most part it was pretty relaxed considering they were sitting in the forest waiting for a newborn vampire. "I feel like I should have cigars to hand out later, little red ribbons on them that say "It's a leech!"" he teased. The word was hardly said with vitriol anymore, it was practically a term of endearment.
15th-Jul-2009 11:47 pm [bella, edward]
Who: Bella and Edward
What: Le Change
When: Evening of the 12th
Where: Chez Cullen
Rating: PG-13ish probably
Status: Incomplete

before the sun set )
12th-Jul-2009 09:13 pm [bella, irina, jacob, maria]
WHO: Maria, Jacob, a bit of Irina halfway through and then a Bella at the end?
WHEN: September 12, 2006; backdated
WHERE: Foresty forest
STATUS: Complete!

She'd be lying if she said she wasn't just a tiny bit curious. )
10th-Jul-2009 10:41 am [irina]
WHO: Irina
WHEN: September 11, 2006; slight backdating
WHERE: From Alaska to Washington

Forgiving didn’t mean forgetting, and Irina hoped that wherever Laurent was he understood that. )
7th-Jul-2009 10:52 am [carlisle, jacob]
Who: Jacob and Carlisle
When: Right after his talk with Maria
Where: Cullen Abode
What: Jake is going to get in so much trouble.

It was time to step up and take matters into his own hands )
5th-Jul-2009 11:22 pm [jacob, maria]
Who: Jake and Maria (I know, finally.) There is a sprinkling of Alice as well.
Where: The Cullen House of Pain...or you know, fine antiques and grand pianos.
What: Jake's about had it with you, Sam Uley.
When: After his talk with Leah

It was late )
5th-Jul-2009 08:28 pm [jacob, leah]
Who: Jake and Leah
Where: Jake's porch?
What: Jake did ask her to meet him, he needs some advice!
When: When she got his note?

Insert Clever Cut Tag Here )
2nd-Jul-2009 11:22 am [jacob, sam]
WHO: Jacob Black and Sam Uley
WHEN: TODAY, when is today? SEPTEMBER 8, 2006
WHERE: Somewhere foresty
RATING: PG-13? Swearing ahoy
STATUS: Complete! I love saying that. Let's complete things more.

To say that Sam was conflicted was an understatement. )
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