Dawn's First Light { in character }
Recent Entries 
Welcome to Dawn's First Light.

The in-game date is: Monday, October 9, 2006.

Current weather is:
High Temp: 59F
Low Temp: 39F
Average Temp: 53.7F
Dewpoint: 50.8F
Wind Speed: 1.4 Knots
Precipitation Amount: 0.24 Inches
Snow Depth: n/a
Observations: Fog, Rain/Drizzle

Current moonphase is: Waning Moon.

Current Key Events: Volturi Scouts!

14th-Jun-2009 04:39 pm [alice, carlisle, edward, embry, jacob, jasper, leah, maria, paul, rosalie, sam]
WHO: Sam, the Pack, and then the volunteering Cullens and their little visitor
WHEN: Sunset! September 2, 2006
WHERE: The killing field! That's how I'm referring to it in my head.
RATING: WHO KNOWS, we've got bitter teen wolves and vampires with chips on their shoulders. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some cussing.
STATUS: Complete

His own urge to change was there, to bare his teeth at this new monster on the land, but talking was probably on Carlisle's agenda. )

Note: Posting order? Apparently we don't need no stinking posting order. Come on in, the water's fine.
29th-Apr-2009 11:37 am [embry, jacob, jessica, rebecca]
Who: Jessica and Embry and Jacob and anyone else interested??
What: Bowling of course
When: Monday evening August 21st 8:30 PM
Where: The ever so classy Sunset Lanes in Forks, Washington. Anyone ever been there? They have eight lanes of bowling and two pool tables. And cheese fries. Seriously, they're the best fries in Forks. That....Isn't saying much.

We're gonna scooooooore tonight. We're gonna scoooooore toniiii-iight. We're gonna rock we're gonna roll we're gonna bop we're gonna bowl. )
16th-Apr-2009 07:03 am [**open**, embry, katrina]
WHO: Embry Call and YOU (whoever you are)
WHEN: during the wedding, probably right about the same time as that other wedding post
WHERE: Reception Central

Judging by the horrified looks of the wait staff, Embry had determined that the caterers really didn't know what they were getting into. )
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