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Feb. 6th, 2012


Who: Blake and Mary
What: V-Day Dance talk
When: Feb 6, Monday Afternoon
Where: Harverstone
Rating: SFW (Not from adorkable)

Wow, Harverstone is pretty. )

Feb. 5th, 2012


What: Superbowl Sunday!
Where: Johnson common room
When: Evening, February 5th
Rating: SFW


Jan. 23rd, 2012


Who: Blake and OPEN
What: Homework and the horror that it is.
When: Jan 23rd, Monday 7PM
Where: Library
Rating: SFW

Why can't there just be a movie about everything? )


Who: Tak and OPEN
What: Attempting not to develop stage fright Music Timez
When: Jan 23rd, Monday 8:00PM
Where: Auditorium
Rating: SFW

The stage was his friend. )

Jan. 16th, 2012


Who: Blake and Open
What: Messing around
When: Monday Afternoon, Jan 16
Where: CHOPP HALL, Common Room
Rating: SFW

Everything looks better on camera! )

Jan. 9th, 2012


Who: Tak and Open
What: Frustrating Jam Session (Attempting to find a song)
When: January 9, Monday 7:45PM
Where: Johnson Hall, 104 (Tak and Benji’s Room)
Rating: SFW

He was lucky no one knew what his words of frustration meant, well, save for Mocchi. )

Jan. 6th, 2012


Who: Tak and OPEN
What: Work Out / Dancing
When: Jan 6, Friday (Late Morning)
Where: Gym / Practice Room
Rating: SFW

Oh well, it's a blacked out blur! )

Jan. 3rd, 2012


Warbler Auditions

Who: Warblers and Everyone who wants to audition or support their friends
Where: Auditorium
When: 7 January 2012
Rating: SFW

[In-game, these will happen this weekend but these can take a while to do so feel free to start now. We'll assume that they auditions are popular and will run over Saturday and Sunday but since I don't think there'll be many of our boys auditioning, we'll keep it to Saturday. If need be, more can be added.

Information about the auditions and sign ups can be found here.

Each audition time has it's own comment. If you've already signed up for a particular time, just write your audition under that comment - have your character come up on stage, introduce themself and their song and then head into it. You're welcome to link to videos/audio/etc, especially if it's not necessarily a song most people will know.

After this, all existing Warblers are encouraged to ask questions or just leave reaction comments.

If you haven't already signed up but want to have your character audition, double check the sign ups to make sure the time you want isn't held and post your audition in a free slot.]

Jan. 2nd, 2012


Who: Tak, Ron, and Raf (?)
What: Bite to eat
When: Monday, January 2 (Around 2PM)
Where: Local Diner, Westerville
Rating: SFW

Did she think I was joking? )

Dec. 31st, 2011


What: NYE Paaaaaaarty!
Where: Holmes residence, Lima
When: 9PM-whenever, December 31st/January 1st
Rating: NSFW


Dec. 3rd, 2011


Who: Caleb Kennedy & OPEN Tak Avalon
What: Shooting hoops and quelling boredom
Where: Basketball court
When: Morning, December 3rd
Rating: SFW

Seeing as he was new, that could only mean good things )

Dec. 1st, 2011


Open door, Johnson 202

Who: Sebastian E.X. Smythe and anyone else!
What: Sebastian's been inviting people to drop by his room while he's trying to get settled in. He'd be thrilled to sing for you, or talk or make out....
Where: Johnson Hall, room 202
When: Any time this week? Say when in the subject of your first post.
Rating: Soon to be NSFW!
A shared dorm room was a far cry from what Sebastian was used to, but he wasn't one to back down from any sort of challenge. His suitcases were open on the floor and he was making his bed, carefully smoothing out the wrinkles from bright red sheets. His laptop was open on his desk, beeping at him whenever he received a new email. The Dalton online journals were apparently a popular way to communicate here, but Sebastian still wanted to meet people face to face. Much easier to charm them in person.

Nov. 2nd, 2011


drop a heart; break a name

Who: Harris (but affecting all Dalton males)
What: Further attempts to ruin Ethan's life
When: Monday, October 31st, 2011
Where: Around Reid Hall
Rating: Mildly NSFW? For suggestive words? Idk, man.

Harris grinned to himself, feeling especially smug as he slipped his Sharpie back into its cover. He’d scattered the message around a few of the bathrooms in Reid, sometimes on the mirrors, other times on the walls or inside of the stalls. They weren’t all identical, but they gave off the same message; Harris could hardly wait for the fall out. Maybe Dalton was supposed to be helping him ‘change his ways’ and get rehabilitated, but making life Hell for one Ethan Holmes wasn’t something that he could just stop doing. The majority of the ‘messages’ were variations on the typical ‘if you’re looking for a free time, call...’ lead-in, all followed by Ethan’s phone-number, but there were a few more creative ones. And if those happened to be in the areas where he knew Ethan to have most of his classes, well, it certainly wasn’t intentional.

That was where he was now, actually, in the bathroom just down the hall from where he knew Ethan’s last two classes of the day to be. Stepping back a bit, he admired his handiwork a moment longer; a rather crude stick-figure drawing depicting oral sex was drawn next to the words ‘I’m up for anything you are – anytime, anyplace.’ It was followed, of course, by Ethan’s cellphone number. He’d been gracious enough not to put down the number for his room extension on the Dalton phonelines, because, hey, he was looking to get Ethan flustered and aggravated, not assaulted. Even Harris wasn’t that much of a dick. Shoving the marker back into his pocket, the blond turned and walked out, heading back towards the class he was supposed to be in.

All that was left to do now was sit and wait.

[A/N: If y'all wanna fill the comments with texts, please be my guest! The more, the merrier ;P Besides, NPCs are fun!]

Oct. 31st, 2011


Who: Everyone
What: Halloween Party
When: October 29th, Saturday Evening
Where: Marriott Inn, Columbus, Ohio
Rating: NSFW

This is Halloween! Halloween! )

Sep. 17th, 2011


Who: Tak and Open Raf
What: Pretending to study
When: September 18th, Sunday Early Evening
Where: Senior Commons
Rating: SFW

It was a bad sign when words started to dance on the page. )

Sep. 12th, 2011


Who: Karol and OPEN
What: um... drinking coffee
Where: the cafe in Dalton Hall
When: Monday 12th September, after classes
Rating: SFW

What he craved was human interaction. )

Aug. 28th, 2011


Who: Evan Olson & OPEN Val Valentine
What: Hanging out in the basement
Where: Common Room, Johnson Hall
When: Mid-afternoon, August 28th
Rating: SFW

Therefore he was alone and bored; never a good combination when it came to him )

Jul. 24th, 2011


Who: Harris and Open
What: Shooting hoops; subject to change.
Where: The basketball court at Dalton.
When: Sunday, July 11th, afternoon (a little back-dated to make up for time that I lost while away)
Rating: SFW, for now, at least.

This school thing was a lot more work than Harris had been counting on – and that was his own fault, really. Anyone with half a brain knew that a school as prestigious as Dalton was bound to be hard, even in the summertime. Problem was, Harris couldn’t even be bothered to give school his all during the year – how was he supposed to manage it during the summer, when the weather was hot, the water was warm, and the beach was full of hot chicks in bikinis? It was only July and this summer was already severely lacking in anything legitimately fun. He’d have to fix that soon, maybe on the weekend, but, for now, he was taking a break from his self-described shitload of homework to shoot some hoops. He couldn’t afford to keep himself locked up in his dorm, studying away all the time – not only was it boring as Hell, but he knew he’d be suffering come athletics season if he didn’t keep in shape over the break.

And that was how he’d wound up on the basketball court – not for the first time since he’d arrived at Dalton. He’d been there about twenty minutes now, practicing some shots. It wasn’t half as interesting without someone to play against, but it was better than nothing. Stopping for a moment, he wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand and made his way to the edge of the court, bending to pick up the water bottle he’d left there.

Jun. 7th, 2011


In which Blaine says goodbye

Who: EVERYONE! And Blaine
What: Saying goodbye after this journal entry.
Where: Blaine's room, Johnson 401
When: Monday morning through Tuesday evening
Rating: Who knows?

Blaine posted his journal entry and took a deep breath before he pushed away from his computer. One more thing to do before he really threw himself into packing. He pulled out his keyring and unhooked The Key. The Attic Key. "Good times, ol' buddy," he whispered to it, squeezing it in his hand before going over to the bunk beds. There was a way, if he could stand on the mattress of his and push this corner of Jude's up, to wedge the key in between the frames... there. Just like how he'd found it. Good luck to whichever RA had his room next year...

Jun. 4th, 2011


Surprise Picnic Party!

Who: Anyone who wants in!
What: Chocolate pre-birthday surprise party of epic awesomeness!
Where: Sharon Woods park
When: 2PM onwards, June 4th
Rating: SFW?


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