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May. 4th, 2011


Who: Phil & Tech, Rose, Vince, Blake
What: Phil's abusing his knowledge of Tech's inner nerd; he's also checking in with his gaming buddies.
When: Wednesday, April 3rd, evening
Rating: SFW

Subject: portal 2

Did you get your hands on it?

May. 3rd, 2011


Who: Rose & Ian
What: Ian tries to make his girlfriend smile.
Where: Rec room of Johnson
When: May 3rd, early afternoon then 7PM
Rating: SFW (Rose's mouth!)

Nestled on Rose's bed in the afternoon. )

May. 1st, 2011


Who: Rose & Ian
What: Talking and not solving anything.
Where: Rose's room
When: May 1st, morning

I didn't say a damn thing that wasn't true and you fucking know it. )

Apr. 9th, 2011


Who: Rose & Ian
What: Conversations
Where: Rose's dorm
When: April 9th after Mirrorwall practice
Rating: SFW probably except for two potty mouths.

Gentleman that he was, Ian had automatically offered to help Rose carry her stuff back up to her room so that was how he ended up at her dorm. That and they had other things to talk about he supposed that hadn't been appropriate for band practice. Whatever. He really didn't want to talk about anything and really hoped that she would just... Not. But he had gone into her room after her and started putting things away where he knew they went.

Apr. 10th, 2011


Who: Rose, Ian, Jude and Dets
What: Band practice
Where: Johnson basement
When: Saturday 9th April 2011, evening
Rating: SFW except Rose's potty mouth, as usual.

Apr. 7th, 2011



Who: Coach B, Rose, and everyone
Where: The auditorium
When: Times marked
Rating: SFW

((OOC: This is set up like the Warbler auditions; just fill in your character's audition in the time slot you signed up for here. Be as detailed or as vague as you like - some of the auditions require reading dialogue, and since that's boring to RP... whatevs, you catch the drift.

There will be callbacks for some roles. Those are gonna be posted Friday night, and are set for Sunday morning.

Also, I forgot to put this on the form, but can you tell me somehow whether or not your character is down with a smaller role if they don't get what they want? I'm sure Jack will have put it on the form, I just fail.))

More Gatorade than he could shake a stick at. )

Mar. 6th, 2011


Who: Eoin and Rose
What: Dorkish breakup-rehearsal.
Where: Their room
When: Sunday, March 6, about noon.
Rating: SFW, or should be. Except, you know, Eoin and Rose so swearing all over the motherfucking place.

Mar. 1st, 2011


Who: Rose and Briar
Where: Wherever the hell they are
When: After school
Rating: SFW?

If you don't tell me wtf is happening with you i will explode, on top of everything else i cannot fucking TAKE worrying about you and theres clearly something up, talk, cos if my mom gets her way it may be close to the last chance you have.


Who: Rose and OPEN
What: The aftermath of the Uberbitch
When: Monday evening after this
Where: Rose's room
Rating: rapidly headed to NSFWville

Feb. 27th, 2011


Who: Rose and Ben, with a bit of Rose and Blaine
Where: Their rooms
When: Saturday, February 26, evening
Rating: SFW but for Rose's potty mouth and the odd mention of bad shit

The dress code includes ass-kicking boots )

Feb. 26th, 2011


Who: Rose and Ian
What: First date and some very awkward excuses
Where: Johnson 105
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating: SFW

Rose had spent the day in her room, ignoring everyone and using her meagre makeup supplies to cover the bruises on her neck and eyebrow. But the show must go on, and Ian was waiting. So she made her way down to his room, wearing long fishnet sleeves and a black skull-print scarf that covered the worst of her bruises, and knocked on the door.

Feb. 24th, 2011


Who: Rose and Blaine
Where: Wherever they happen to be.
When: Wednesday, following this.
Rating: SFW except for Rose's potty mouth

Hey blaine, get your ass into my room, we're having chillout time and if you refuse to come i will knock you out and drag you anyway. Rose xxx

Feb. 22nd, 2011


Blaine is in a bad mood

Who: Group chat, then Colby to Blaine and Ben and Blaine
Where: In their rooms
When: Tuesday, February 22, evening
Rating: SFW

First this group chat )

Then simultaneously, this... )

...and this. )


Who: Ian & Open
Where: Johnson Hall common room.
What: A lost soul returns home.
When: Tuesday, February 22nd, After classes
Rating: SFW

Ian had returned to school about an hour ago. His father had wanted to spend the day with him outside of hospital walls. Then Big Jamie had dropped his son off at the school that he was certain was going to destroy his son and had a couple of meetings with certain people. Ian had tossed his overnight bag in his room and then went down to the hall basement where he would flop. Very much flop.

When he got there, it was empty - classes were just getting out so he fell over the arm of a couch, face planting there and staying there, damn it. Stretched out with his arms way over his head, he was so glad to be out of the hospital bed but still damned upset that he had to have his finger strapped to a stability board still... No use for it. He looked pale and tired and miserable and was a bit snuffly but that was all standard issue for a hospital stay.

After about ten minutes, he turned his head to look at the TV. "Hey. You. Turn on. Show me a thing. I'm not even playing, television... You dick."


Who:  Rose and Gabriel
What: Not-quite-apologies and a thin thread of self-control
Where: Gabe's room, Chopp 304
When: Around 5:00, Monday the 21st

Feb. 19th, 2011


Who: Ian and certain people allowed to visit. (Like Blaine, Ben M, Eoin... Close people.)
What: Visitation hours.
When: Saturday, February 19, all day
Where: Ian's hospital room.
Rating: SFW - some mentions of self-harm. :|

On the door was a sign with a clip-art picture of a video camera, claiming that Ian's room was being monitored... )

Feb. 17th, 2011


Who: Rose & Ian
What: Going for advice in the strangest of places by accident.
Where: Rose's dorm
When: Thursday, February 17, after classes
Rating: SFW - although rated RM for Rose's Mouth. Goodness gracious, girl

That would still count, really, towards his new hermitism. Was that even a word? )

Feb. 9th, 2011


Blaine and Rose chat about boyfriends

Who: Blaine and Rose
What: Boyfriend Drama
Where: Rose's room?
When: Tuesday, February 8, before Rose goes on her date with Hottie Mattie
Rating: SFW, probably?

There was one button of Rose's that Blaine had identified months ago, only one button that he was fairly confident he could mash with fairly consistent results. So before he knocked on Rose's door, he went down to the first floor to borrow one Poppy the Cat from her home with Mr. P. Once armed with the cat, he went back upstairs to knock on Rose's door and wait for her answer.

Jan. 30th, 2011


Who: Rome, Eoin, Rose
Where: Weight room then Rose's room
When: Right after the room switch convo
What: Rome falls apart, Eoin picks up the pieces

Jan. 25th, 2011


Who: Rose & Alphonse
Where: Dalton Hall ; Auditorium
What: We often find comfort in the strangest of places.
When: Tuesday, January 25th, after class
Rating: SFW

she's ever so graceful, so like an angel, but I see, tears flow quietly )

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