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Dec. 22nd, 2010


Blaine's turn!

Christmas gifts for just about everyone (except the teachers. For some reason, people have been telling Blaine that that would be weird. But he brought them all homemade (made by his mother) toffee anyway.)

Most gifts were mailed to people. Jammers and Mr. P's will be given after the break, and Kurt and Sam will get theirs in person on Christmas.

(also, almost everyone's is wrapped in this except for those Blaine knew would be touchy about it (Ron) and the adults)

Gifts! )

Dec. 15th, 2010


Who: Mr. P and coach Barry
Where: ...Wherever they are.
When: 12/15/10, early afternoon
Rating: SFW

Drago left for another school. You have between now and when I get to the office with my cv to tell me if you approve of me going for theatre teacher or not...

Dec. 11th, 2010


Who: Blaine, Jack, and Mr. P
What: Blaine's mind is bothering him
Where: Johnson 101 (Mr. P/Jack's apartment)
When: Saturday, December 11, 4:32 AM
Rating: SFW I hope...

He couldn't sleep any more. Just couldn't do it. Groaning, Blaine pressed the heels of his hands to his forehead before rolling over and brushing a light kiss over Ben's cheek. “Love you, Jammers,” he murmured to his sleeping bedmate before slipping out of bed. He pulled on a full uniform from the clothes scattered on the floor (sleeves were too long again, dammit!) and made his way to Ben's desk to scrawl a little note of explanation. He paused at the door again to give Ben a little smile before slipping out into the hall and heading downstairs in his socked feet. Nobody else was awake at this hour. Blaine wasn't even really awake, covering a yawn as he trudged up to Mr. P's door and knocked.

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January 2013




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