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Jan. 29th, 2011


Who: Jake & Phil
Where: Common Room
What: Um. Just... spending time together, I suppose. Talking, maybe. Something.
When: Late Friday, January 28th/Early Saturday, January 29th, 2011
Rating: SFW? Maybe? Probably. I don’t know right now.

baby you know that maybe it's time for miracles )

Jan. 20th, 2011


Who: Jake & Phil
Where: Phil’s place
What: Checking in on Phil after day one of the trial.
When: Thursday, January 20th, late afternoon
Rating: probably NSFW for violent/graphic imagery?

Of course, he was still glad about the revelation that he was not, in fact, dating a murderer, but for the time being, at least, that paled in comparison to what Phil was dealing with. )

Jan. 17th, 2011


Who: Jak & Phil
Where: Jak's off-campus and Phil's... on the move.
What: an apology
When: January 17th, sometime after the "argument" on Fletcher's journal. (and this.)
Rating: SFW (for now)

Phil stared at the contact long and hard - SMITH, JAKOBY - and exited out of the list. He began typing out a number, and then lifted the phone to his ear. "Please record your message at the tone."

"Hey. I know you well enough by now. I'm coming to find you."

Voicemails were for cowards. Fear drove him forward.

Jan. 16th, 2011


Who: Jak & Phil
Where: out in town (Westerville)
What: just cruising around town, seeing the lights... maybe visit the fam
When: Sunday, January 16th, evening after these texts
Rating: SFW (for now)

Time to meet the family. )


Who: Jak & Phil
What: Last chance to have fun before exams.
When: Sunday, January 16th, evening
Rating: NSFWish

hey are you free right now?

Jan. 14th, 2011


Who: Jakoby & Phil
Where: Their rooms
When: Very early morning, Jan. 14th
Rating: NSFW

Jan. 12th, 2011


Who: Jakoby & Phil (+ Xander)
Where: Room 206, Johnson Hall, Phil's Room
What: Jake checking in on his boyfriend who's kind of obviously not doing so well
When: Wednesday, January 12th, evening
Rating: NSFW, probably. For potential discussion topics (see Phil's most recent private post)

Yes, he trusted Phil when he said that he'd been framed, but seeing his own doubt out in the open like that... well, it wasn't exactly comforting. )


Who: Jakoby, Phil, Tobias, et Xander
What: Quadruple date/ celebrating Toby's new Warblerness
Where: Xander's car then Le Chateau
When: Tuesday night (1/11/11, about 20 minutes after this)
Rating: SFW, I think...

Yes, he named his car Carma. What can he say, he's a sucker for puns )

Jan. 9th, 2011


Who: Jakoby & Phil
Where: Room 202, Johnson Hall, Jak's Room
What: An impromptu visit; Phil wooing his man like whoa.
When: Sunday, January 9th, evening.
Rating: Eventual NSFW

I wish you would stop waxing poetry. )

Jan. 8th, 2011


Subject: BABY PICS!

Hey, Jak!

Remember me? I popped on Philly's AIM when he was watching the little tyke. You ever take my advice about the Cinnabon? You must have because Phil was blabbing to me all about you today (the 8th.)

Aaaaanyway, as a good future-in-law to be - don't worry, I'm just kidding - ahem, AS A GOOD AND PROPER OLDER BROTHER TO PHIL

I've enclosed his baby photos. Enjoy.

Drew : )

[attachment: bday_94.jpg; cakeinface.jpg; halloween_95.jpg vday_95.jpg]

Jan. 7th, 2011


Who: [info]notsogenteel & [info]not_jacob
Where:Dalton, restaurant, Phil’s parents’ house
What: Going out to dinner eventually ends in them going back to Phil’s place for the ~real birthday fun.
When: Friday, January 7th, evening+
Rating: NSFW

(so wasted, acting crazy, making a scene like it’s her birthday) )

Jan. 4th, 2011


Who: [info]notsogenteel & [info]not_jacob
Where: Moorehead Gymnasium; weight room
What: Jake spotting for Phil, as he promised to in this conversation.
When: Tuesday, January 4th, 9:30ishPM.
Rating: SFW

Jakoby had taken a bit of time to shower after practise, rinsing himself of the chlorine scent before re-dressing in his jeans and button-up and making his way to the weight room to meet Phil. His hair was still damp, but he didn’t care too much; there was still plenty of time for it to keep drying before he needed to go outside and face the cold. The room was emptier than he’d been expecting – but then, it was fairly late – and it didn’t take him long to find Phil and approach him, greeting him with a smile and a simple ‘hey’ as he set his swim-bag down.

Jan. 3rd, 2011


Who: Colby & Phil + Jakoby (open! for gossip)
Where: Dalton Hall / cafeteria / the office
What: Phil being a derp competitive because after this, he thinks he can do better.
When: Monday, January 3rd, passing period (between 4th and lunch).
Rating: SFW

Boys will be boys. )

Jan. 2nd, 2011


Who: [info]notsogenteel & [info]not_jacob
Where: Phil’s house/Jake’s grandparents’ house
What: IMing and then a brief webcam conversation
When: late January 1st, early January 2nd, 2010
Rating: SFW, for the most part

(mods, can we pretty please get a tag for phil? :3)

It feels weird telling someone before Noah...  )


Who: Jakoby & Phil
Where: Chipotle
What: First date, more or less.
When: Sunday, January 2nd, 7 pm
Rating: It's Jakoby SFW

'What kind of car am I looking for?' Even when texting, he felt this nagging urge to capitalize everything properly.

Phil sat out on the porch, hearing his younger brother's squealing laughter through the glass. He peered over his shoulder and inside, waving at him as he ran around the house in circles. An eleven year difference; it was pretty crazy.

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January 2013




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