April 9th, 2011

[info]cjmatthews in [info]dalton_rpg

Who: Noah and Luke
When: Friday night
Where: Their rooms
Rating: SFW

[info]ianmack in [info]dalton_rpg

Who: Ian then later Castiel
When: Saturday from about 3 AM then landing safely around 7 AM
Where: His room then outside of Chopp
Rating: SFW
Note: Italics indicate dreaming.

His arms were practically soaked in the blood of those he'd already killed. )

[info]blackson in [info]dalton_rpg


((As always, rules are here. Remember to sign-up there as well as post here!))

Please let these be the last auditions before Nationals... Blaine crossed his fingers as he stepped into the auditorium, reaching up to adjust his tie (stupid Warbler traditions, requiring full-uniform for even weekend auditions) as he made his way through the auditorium. Things were already set up from the Rent auditions. There was no need to change anything.

Blaine took a seat in the auditorium behind the little table set up and dug out his brand new zombie coloring book and crayons. Time to illustrate some chaos and bloodshed.

Staying in the lines was for pussies.

[info]twintimez in [info]dalton_rpg

Who: Mocchi & Tak
What: Mocchi is lonely and therefore clingy. And Tak manages to embarrass the hell out of him.
Where: Tak’s room.
When: Friday, April 8. 8pm.
Rating: SFW

Disney Projectile Of DEATH! )

[info]ronald_e_martin in [info]dalton_rpg

Who: Benji and Ron
What: Having lunch and catching up
Where: Auditorium then Cafeteria
When: Saturday 9th April 2011, lunch break between Warbler auditions
Rating: SFW

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[info]greymourning in [info]dalton_rpg

Who: Castiel and Elwood
What: Elwood got Castiel a present! ;)
Where: Their room
When: 4/9, after dinner-ish
Rating: SFW, because Ellie is a prude.

Ellie was sitting nervously on his bed, waiting for Castiel to get back. He'd watched his roommate perform for the Warblers earlier in the day, but had slipped out (probably) before the other boy noticed him there.

Now, he was just sitting, staring at Castiel's wall, rolling a small box back and forth in his hands, listening to the heavy thudding coming from the motion. It helped pass the time. Elwood had known it was Castiel's birthday today a few weeks ago and had ordered him a new dice...not because Cas needed them or anything, but because Ellie wanted to get him something he would actually use.

[info]hawk_eye in [info]dalton_rpg

Who: Blaine and Tobias
Where: Their rooms.
When: 4/10, early early morning/after midnight.
Rating: SFW, I don't even think there's any bad words!

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[info]ianmack in [info]dalton_rpg

Who: Rose & Ian
What: Conversations
Where: Rose's dorm
When: April 9th after Mirrorwall practice
Rating: SFW probably except for two potty mouths.

Gentleman that he was, Ian had automatically offered to help Rose carry her stuff back up to her room so that was how he ended up at her dorm. That and they had other things to talk about he supposed that hadn't been appropriate for band practice. Whatever. He really didn't want to talk about anything and really hoped that she would just... Not. But he had gone into her room after her and started putting things away where he knew they went.

January 2013



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