June 2009



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August 17th, 2008

[info]notdevilordeath in [info]clockwork_rp

A game of cat and mouse... but who's the cat and who's the mouse?

Who: Mello ([info]chocolatefetish) & Ran ([info]notdevilordeath)
What: Never take things Schu says personally -it's hazardous to both mental health and any sort of relationship
When: not long after Schu and Ran spammed Kaito's post
Where: out and about in the city
Warnings: TBA - most likely language, possible violence

There's a reason he's referred to as a 'snow queen'... he just hasn't seen a reason to wear that mask here )

[info]shipmaster in [info]clockwork_rp

[ Active]

Who: Rtas 'Vadum ([info]shipmaster), Tails ([info]teenytinytails)
What: A run in in the city
When: Now
Where: Somewhere in the city
Warnings: none

of Big and small. )

[info]shinjukucroc in [info]clockwork_rp

Wedding Planners [active...]

Who: Agi, Akito, Kaito
What: weddingness?
When: backdated to a short forever ago.
Where: Kaito's room
Warnings: language. |8 Agi

Here comes the bride, all dressed in white... )

[info]sealed_soul in [info]clockwork_rp

To finish what is started

Who: Al ([info]sealed_soul) and X ([info]permanentia)
What: X is finishing what he started
When: Now
Where: Ground floor, wing B
Warnings: Character death, lots of violence. It's X killing people. What do you expect?

Good-night, sweet prince; And flights of angels lay thee to rest )

[info]crimson_karasu in [info]clockwork_rp

Night flight. [Complete]

Who: Irie Shouichi ([info]ihasnocoat) & Benio ([info]crimson_karasu)
What: Benio takes Shou-chan out for a date evening flight.
When: ...erm, evening.
Where: around the city, probably.
Warnings: Stomachaches and chilly winds.

Factfile: All Yatagarasu are male because they have a third leg. )

[info]ex_themaster663 in [info]clockwork_rp

this is a log title [active]

Who: Schuldig ([info]themastermind) Ran ([info]notdevilordeath)
What: Arguments and fast talking.
When: Tonightish
Where: In the city
Warnings: language, possible violence

and this is some cut text. )