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April 13th, 2008

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosunraveled

Plot Summary

The plot summary will adapt and become lengthier as the story events continue.

The Beginning Premise
God actually made several different universes in an attempt to make a place that satisfied him, and Satan in turn did his best to ruin it all. Finally, tired of each other (or in some others' eyes, to entertain themselves), the two agreed to one final, long, tiresome game to determine who would win ultimate control over the universe.

Vampires, angels, demons, elves, mechanics from Earths so technologically advanced that they can control the weather, all are possible candidates, and there are still so many more. Both God and Satan have chosen people, forming a group to fight for their side. Whether the person is willing or not, each has been "employed" and drawn into a singular realm to play out his or her roles.

To ensure that the game is carried out properly, God and Satan joined together to make a seperate world solely for the competition. Each sent down their number one servant to play as leaders and lookouts to ensure their sides follow the rules properly. Metatron and Lucifer await to give out the competitions and tests that God and Satan have called them to fulfill. They even plan out the living arrangements!

And so each character is asked by one of the NPCs (depending on their side) if they would aid them, and taken to their respective headquarters and have the situation explained to him or her. (If you want a Hell character to just be forced into it though, go ahead, but God asks, 'kay?)

Will you help your team or hinder it? Will you do anything at all? Will you add your own mix of chaos to the already mixed up and confusing situation? Will you carry your team to victory?

Will it be heaven, or hell?

Should your side win, you will be able to return home. Should you lose, you will remain forever in this limbo of a world...

On Current Events
The first Trial was won by God's team, the Asgardians, while the second win went to Niflheim. Now both teams are on equal footing, one win and one lose between them. But a third trial has been promised before the year is out. Who will pull into the lead this time?

Among the excitement of the trials, romances have blossomed and faded, friendships have solidified or dissolved, and rivalries that have been created have intensified over time. Occasionally, the realm has shown some instability when unusual and chaotic "malfunction days" happen. Asgard and Niflheim continue to be at one another's throats, teammates have come and gone, and the lines between good and evil blur more and more each day....

Most recently, following the loss of a number of participants on both sides, Metatron himself was called away to deal with a great catastrophe in another realm. Jophiel has stepped in to take over guiding Asgard. Even the realm's shopkeeper, Sydonai, has left her shop and post. With the realm in turmoil, the battle to decide the fate of the universe rages on.

When will the next Trial take place? What will it entail? How will both teams cope with the loss of so many allies? And will this new angel help or hinder Asgard?

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosunraveled

The Rules

Character Rules for Submission and Play (subject to updates and changes)
The Rules! )

If you have questions after reading this section carefully, please feel free to ask them in a reply to this post. OR, if you feel intimidated at the thought of others being able to read your questions, email your questions to us through the aforementioned email address.

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosunraveled

Character Submission Format

Character Submission Format
Character applications are currently open!

Clickity Click )

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosunraveled

Places of Interest

Places of Interest
Places of interest! )