March 25th, 2009

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

Talisman Update

Go here to see the current list. It can still be changed, but I made sure everyone who volunteered had at least one character involved.

If people's schedules get messed up, don't worry - choose a date before April 10th where the event happens, decide overall what will occur and you guys can choose your pace in the thread, just have a general thing in mind and act as though it's been retrieved in a day or so or whenever. The only reason I push to have it actually happen is because Metatron needs to recover sometime in April, even if we have to push the date back for some reason.

Also, if you'd rather things on the list get changed, let me know, but I hope this will work for everyone. Also, EVERYONE can work on #6, it's just that no one will really find it or anything because it will show up all on its own. XD