March 24th, 2009

[info]holylance in [info]chaosu_ooc


I have internet! I have to share with my family since nobody else has their computer hooked up and my spacebar got fucked up in the move so I have to bash on it to make it work but I should still be updating regularly, so it's all good!

It's great to see you all again and I can't wait to get back into the game!

Though I do have some bad news: I'm going to be dropping L'Arachel. I'm not exactly the fastest poster in the world, so I probably shouldn't try juggling three characters. That, and I just haven't been feeling the magic lately. So that means that [info]raustenprincess is leaving the game. To everyone that she was involved with, I'm sorry.

[info]bring_god_down in [info]chaosu_ooc

Playlist - Alessa

Decided to do a playlist for my characters, and first up is the playlist for Alessa. 18 songs in all (because I have an obsession with 9), and the entire playlist is 27 minutes and 9 seconds.

Player and Lyrics behind the cut.

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