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[May. 20th, 2008|12:57 am]
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Where: An undisclosed location
When: Tuesday
Who: Bea, KD, Peter, Bob, and others.

He sighed once as he dialed the number. Everything was prepared and this was the last step before he could wash his hands of this entire business. This was not exactly what he had signed up for, but at least he could ensure that it had a somewhat happy ending. He dialed the number for a special agent Kieran Dagny Townsend. He had a voice modulator to disguise his voice.

"Special Agent Townsend? I have a message for you."
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[Apr. 30th, 2008|09:07 am]
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Who: Nick, Peter, Shiloh, Nick's parents
When: The morning after Bea's disappearance
Where: Nick's house and in transit

Ali, Marie, and Carole seemed to have come to some sort of truce regarding the kitchen, especially considering the number of people that needed to be fed this morning. Peter had barely slept, but coffee would fix that problem temporarily.

After they'd all eaten and showered, Peter glanced over at Nick. "You know, if you're going to camp out here for awhile, you might want to pick some things up. And I expect your parents would appreciate seeing you," he noted mildly. "Why don't I take you and Shiloh over, get you out of the house for a bit?"

Carole might appreciate that, too. Which he did not say aloud.
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[Apr. 23rd, 2008|10:27 am]
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Late Afternoon,
Wednesday, April 23rd 2008
Martin Luther King Memorial Library

It looked much better from the outside than in, this edifice of black steel and smoked glass. Leaky ceilings and broken elevators plague the readers moving listlessly around in the enforced hush. Designed in a less energy efficient age and treated with neglect, the library would cost more to put right than it would to pull down and build anew. At the height of summer, it's a pressure cooker, hot and close; even with spring cloud it's still rather warm. Not that Woody minds -- he's using his coat and jumper as a cushion because the chairs are all too low for him (or the tables too high). There are pens and paper on the table and he's reading a huge, illustrated, leather bound book that looks like it could weigh as much as himself. His headphones are on, despite the posted signs, but they make no noise. Why should they? They're not plugged in to anything.
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[Apr. 19th, 2008|04:25 pm]
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Who: Galen and the Doc
When: Friday, mid-day
Where: GWU

Galen brushed a hand through his hair as he stared at a wall, waiting. In general he was used to hospitals. He was used to lights being flashed in his eyes, needles, poking prodding, CT scans, testing, x-rays, and all sorts of other odd things a doctor could inflict upon a patient. He was, in the words of his head-doc, a lab-rat marvel. Not because he was being used to test drugs on, but because by all rights...Galen shouldn't have been awake, let alone alive.

In the last test, a few weeks ago, the doc had confirmed something he'd been worrying over for what seemed ages. It was why they'd never taken Galen in for surgery. Well, one reason at least. They had pin-pointed the worst of the damage,the piece of the puzzle they'd been hunting for since the boy had first stepped off a plane and into DC.

It was, as Galen understand, a vital part of the gushy mush in his head. It controlled things like...breathing, and other things of the sort. So, it seemed, he really should have died within days of the accident. Or at least been brain dead. Yet here he was, awake and lively and charming. (Well at least the nurses thought he was charming.)

There had been more talk, but he'd tuned it all out in typical Galen fashion, instead looking at the pictures of gushy-mush with a blank lack of understanding. Somethings were easier to remember than others, and nothing that the doctor was saying really made much sense. Heh. But he could see it. The bright white blob of...dead matter. Curiously he wondered if it would rot, become infected and kill him. If it was dead, logic did tell him it should rot at least.


He was supposed to come back in on Monday, and they would discuss his options with him, explain all the new found risk of popping his head open, and...stuff. It meant shaving his head. It also meant asking Val, or someone else like that to come with him. The doctor wanted a responsible, able-bodied party to be there. Apparently his scrambled wires also meant that he did not make the best choices. Something about not really having an informed opinion, or...whatever.

None of which explained why he was outside Leo's office, really. Well, maybe a little. He did want to talk about the surgery, but for someone who had been waiting patiently for over 2 years to have it done...the idea of talking about it, and having it really done seemed surreal and slightly unnerving.

The doc did say he might not wake up.

Which did not help his mind make up a decision that plagued him, and was probably (aside from having an appointment) the true reason he was there. Galen's uncomplicated love-life, or rather just life in general, suddenly seemed to become a tangled web. And if he was going to die in the next two weeks? How did he make it uncomplicated?
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[Apr. 14th, 2008|06:25 pm]
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Who: Peter and Star
What: Phone call
When: The night of Macha's kidnapping

He leaned against the door to Shiloh's room. This was not something he wanted to do, not so soon after she'd regained her freedom. But it would have been done anyway, and it needed to happen now.

Cell phone. Her number was still (again? he couldn't remember) in the phone's memory. A push of a button, and a deep breath as the phone rang.
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[Apr. 11th, 2008|11:08 pm]
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Who: Ceara (for now)
Where: An intersection near her apartment
When: Same time as this

Ceara sighed as she waited for the light to turn green, she just needed to do this one tiny errand before she was going to see if Patrick was doing anything. She had some movies and some scotch and a long weekend ahead of her. Finally the light turned green, and just as she was hitting the acclerater and moving through the intersection, a truck ran the red light and crashed directly into her roadster.
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[Apr. 1st, 2008|04:06 pm]
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Who: Ceara and Patrick
Where: Chinatown Galleria Movie Theater
When: April 1'st

Ceara grinned, this was how she wanted to spent April Fool's Day, with her boyfriend, some hot buttery popcorn, and a good movie. She'd blown off a party with some of her college classmates and a dinner with her parents (still trying to show her the error of her ways and also hopefully set her up with someone they deemed "suitable") to come out here with him. Patrick's company was vastly preferred over the others.

She waited outside the theater for him to arrive.
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[Apr. 1st, 2008|03:46 pm]
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Who: Carole and the Twins
When: April 1'st
Where: Winters House

She'd be lying if she said she wasn't slightly anxious. Today the interim grades had come in to take home to parents and guardians was making her a little antsy. She almost wished she had lessons with Ceara today in order to work off some of this tension. She'd done her best in all her classes, with the possible exception of math, which she only did halfheartedly, seeing as how she learned all what they were going through now last year.

She wanted her Aunt to get home so that she could open the envelope once and for all. Bea knew that if she opened it and it was bad news, then she'd be too tempted to hide it and convince Shiloh to hide hers too.
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[Mar. 31st, 2008|07:27 pm]
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When: Monday, late afternoon
Who: Ceara and whoever's in the area.

Ceara sighed once, her computer'd gone down and she had a couple of papers due and without her laptop, she was stuck doing it the old fashioned way...mostly. She'd printed off some material while on campus at the computer lab, but she 'd needed some extra sources, so she'd come to one of her favorite bookstores in order to do some of her research and also because the coffee here was amazing. Small bonus, but she'd take what she could get right now.

She picked up another book from the huge stack she had next to her and started scanning through it for information.
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[Mar. 26th, 2008|09:00 pm]
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Who: Diana, Benjamin (possibly Jack if he feels so incline to pop up at some point)
Where: National Mall
When: Late afternoon

The weather had finally decided to turn springlike, for which Diana was grateful since she spent so much of her day outside or on a bus traversing the city, standing up and speaking into a microphone about all the lovely sights and historical trivia she had memorized ages ago. So what if sometimes she changed things up a bit and gave the not-so-historical trivia she had learned, most of these people would never know the difference and the juiciest stories were the ones that you couldn't fully corroborate anyway. Plus it got boring if she said the exact same things the exact same way every single time. For her and for her repeat customers.

Not that she got many of those and she saw so many people in a day it was unlikely she'd remember them if she did unless they stood out in some way. And this one? He stood out. He was adorable. So she made a point of going up to him after everyone had finally filed off the bus, "am I just that amazing or do you really like tour buses?"

Of course, she asked this with her cutest and you love me! smiles.
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[Mar. 25th, 2008|11:03 pm]
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WHO: Nicky and Asti
WHERE: Battery Kimble?
WHEN: Shortly after the equinox
WHAT: A romantic little picnic with a possible twist

It really was a beautiful day. And it was turning warmer, which was a nice plus.

She was taking a day off from work, a "sick day" which really meant sick of working. He was playing hooky from classes, which was almost expected by now. And here they were, playing the couple that everyone sighed over and went "aren't they such a cute couple."

And she was happy, and she was here with Asti, and... really, she didn't see how things could get any more glorious.
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[Mar. 25th, 2008|03:57 am]
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[mood | devious]

Who: Dante & Kieran
Where: Grocery store
When: Saturday evening

Much like a dog, Dante wasn't allowed to sleep on the bed. Even though he was basically keeping Ant off the street, that territory was most definitely not his. It wasn't really that the couch was uncomfortable, it wasn't. In fact, it was probably more comfortable than the bed. However, Dan believed in least he did when it came to annoying someone else.

As the saviour of Ant's living space, he should've had first choice. He hadn't.

Time for a little retribution.

Well, not quite retribution. Dan's idea was a little petty, but that wasn't the point. If Dante couldn't have the bed, nobody could. He just needed to make that clear to Ant.

Dante rubbed his nose and stared at the wall of products in front of him. He just needed a generous sized packet of icing sugar, and then he could be on his way...
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[Mar. 24th, 2008|07:21 pm]
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Who: Valentin and Galen
Where: Their home
When: After the Bar incident.

The ride back to their shared home was quiet, too quiet, so quiet in fact that it was possibly an unnerving experience for both Galen and Mikko who were probably more accustomed to Valentin's bratty penchant for bitching and moaning about anything that had vexed him. One evening after they'd attended a concert that Galen had been dying to see, Valentin had bitched the entire way home about a woman who was a few rows in front of them who kept flailing her arms around and flashing her tits.

Tonight was different. It wasn't the first time Galen had sneaked out, but it was different and the significance of the difference was not lost on him despite his best efforts to put his paranoia aside. High punks that spewed words like "connections"...

What connection? What connection could that man possibly be prattling on about? What?

Once the car turned into the drive and Mikko had turned it off, Valentin jetted out of the car without one word and made haste toward the door. He had things on his mind.
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[Mar. 19th, 2008|12:34 pm]
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Time. Time was one of those things that made a big difference in this; time enough for the media to forget about it, and move on to drunken celebrity marriages with pandas on bicycles, or whatever else it took to draw their attention. From there, fixing the problem was relatively straightforward; all it took was an expensive lawyer employed by an untraceable corporation to put the right amount of pressure on the right parts of the criminal justice system, shake lightly, and then watch as a would-be murderer just kind of fell out. It all worked much better when the would-be murderer was off the front pages.

Bella wondered just how much explaining Seth would need for that.

Still, Seth was more useful outside than in, which was why Bella was waiting for him to accept her... invitation. Assuming he was kind enough to turn up - and, for that matter, to not simply kill a valuable employee with all kinds of contacts and favours and interesting knowledge about important people, then make a run for it - he should've been arriving at any minute.

Not to mention, it was the perfect opportunity to find out what could so undo so useful a weapon. Seth's limitations were the kind of risk that she'd be much happier knowing about in advance.
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[Mar. 18th, 2008|12:44 pm]
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Who: Peter & Star & Danielle (and whoever else makes sense)
Where: Star's parents' house, out in the D.C. suburbs
When: shortly after Star's return

Peter was bad at waiting. On the plus side, he was good with Danielle, which amazed him. Kids were not normally his thing - of course, kids were not normally born to two reborn gods, and that probably had something to do with it.

It was finally a reasonably sunny day for early spring, so they were out in the yard playing something that had its roots in tag, catch, tickle fights, and made-up rules that came out of Danielle's head.

Except for not knowing where Star was, he was even reasonably happy.
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[Feb. 21st, 2008|11:13 pm]
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Who: Dante Price & Antony Erasmus
Where: Bus Station
When: Thursday
What: Dante arrives in Washington.

Dante shuffled off the bus with the rest of his travelling herd, waiting with a teenger's impatience as the old lady in front of him was helped down the metal steps, onto the sidewalk.

When he was back on cement ground, Dante threw his bag over his shoulder and looked around. Grey, grimy and filled with work-weary labourers and unwashed masses. Was there a station anywhere that didn't resemble this dreary postcard? Probably not. And to think; if only carbon emissions such an issue, he could have flown.

Why do aging hippie moms think they know everything?

Still, he'd made it to the capital, lucky Dante. Now where was that jackass he was supposed to meet up with?
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[Feb. 18th, 2008|03:00 pm]
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Who: KD. Townsend
When: Monday after 4 p.m.
Where: Nook & Cranny

Kieran Townsend had been at his desk finishing up the remaining paper work on a case that would have been pretty much shut and closed in his opinion if only the body wouldn't have been stashed away elsewhere from the crime scene. It was one of those grotesque cases that involved a workaholic CEO who had strangled his stay at home wife with a wire clothes hanger when he'd flown off the handle the morning before an important meeting about a stain on the collar of his favorite two thousand dollar shirt. A stain that his three year old son had made with a marker. Tide with bleach had not taken it out, but couldn't the CEO had worn another shirt that morning and tried Mr. Clean's Magic eraser on it later before going Patrick Bateman on his poor wife? People freaked out too easily about irrelevant things, and what kind a shallow idiot killed someone they cared about over a shirt? In K.D's line of work the cases that usually ended up on his desk were motivated by either evil and sick fuckery or money and gain. Anymore it was hard to tell what would end up on his desk. People were crazy.

And it didn't help that some people in the bureau were giving him looks like he was the crazy one since they had heard, or more precisely snooped over his shoulder when he'd searched Amazon for a "Seance For Dummies" book. Could he help it if he was determined to talk to some people? People that were hard to get in contact with? He'd not had much luck finding anyone competent enough to hold a seance and Amazon didn't have any Seance For Dummies books...

After work K.D decided to stop by a book store he'd saw a flyer advertising at the scene where they'd found Mrs. Bateman wrapped in plastic garbage bags and duct tape with traces of the two thousand dollar shirt's fabric lodged deep under her fingernails...
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[Feb. 16th, 2008|11:19 pm]
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Who: Shiloh and Open.
Where: Museum of Natural History
When: Friday afternoon

She was bored, that was the long and short of it. Bea was off at her lesson with Ceara and while she enjoyed hanging out with the Raven (as she referred to the woman sometimes), she had no interest in learning martial arts. So she'd come here, this was one of her favorite museums and she wandered around sort of aimlessly, feeling drawn her but not really knowing why.
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Coffee and a Laptop [Feb. 16th, 2008|07:05 pm]

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[Current Location |Starbucks]
[mood | bored]

Who: Benjamin Reed, Open
Where: Liberty Place Starbucks, down the street from the National Gallery of Art
When: Mid-Morning of February 16th


Benjamin sat at a table in the corner, laptop open, grande Cinnamon Dolce Latte (double-shot espresso, natch) cooling by his elbow. His backpack was propped up against his chair, the zip slightly open and several fly-away pieces of paper hanging out. His jacket was draped over the back of his chair, the sleeves of his sweater rolled up, and the glasses perched on his nose threatening to slide off before he absently pushed them back up.

He was supposed to be grading papers, but was instead too preoccupied with wasting time on the Internet, cruising the news sites, his favourite web-comics and, when no one was looking, several of his favourite fandom sites. He was engrossed in one of these latter, a tiny grin quirking his lips up as he scanned the message boards. The occasional tap-tapping of the keys joined the gentle buzz of quiet conversation in the coffee house as he responded to one thing or another, and the boy was in a world of his own, a very prime target for interruption.

The idle thought of hitting the art gallery in the afternoon crossed his mind, causing him to glance at his watch. Still a couple of hours until his preferred time of gallery browsing, he noted, and went back to his diversions. He'd get to those papers and the gallery eventually, provided that eventually didn't get him first...
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[Feb. 15th, 2008|10:57 am]
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Where: Reagan National Airport
When: February 13, late afternoon
Who: Alistair and Marie

Alistair paced back and forth as he waited for Marie's plane to land. She'd been gone for a while and it'd been like a part of him had gone with her when she'd left. He was really anxious to see her again, his momma would have been so amused at the way her eldest son was almost jumping up and down with the anticipation of seeing his girl. He knew it was kind of hopeless to play the cool and suave restaurant owner right now, he was far too wired for that to work. He really thrown himself into work while she was gone, coming up with thirteen new dishes to serve at the restaurant, the critics were raving at the supposed 'culinary genius' he seemed to be, when he really was just hunting up the perfect meal to fix for Marie when she got back. He just *knew* she hadn't been eating well while she was gone, he hadn't been there to ensure it after all.

Just then he looked up at as he heard the airport intercom announce that her plane has safely landed. He grabbed his coat and the two flowers he'd brought for her and rushed over to where the meeting area was.
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