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Chaos Theory

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[May. 20th, 2008|12:57 am]
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Where: An undisclosed location
When: Tuesday
Who: Bea, KD, Peter, Bob, and others.

He sighed once as he dialed the number. Everything was prepared and this was the last step before he could wash his hands of this entire business. This was not exactly what he had signed up for, but at least he could ensure that it had a somewhat happy ending. He dialed the number for a special agent Kieran Dagny Townsend. He had a voice modulator to disguise his voice.

"Special Agent Townsend? I have a message for you."
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[Apr. 11th, 2008|10:10 pm]
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Who: Shiloh, Peter, Alistair, Nick, Carole...
Where: The Winters house.

Shiloh was Not Pleased. Her sister had been supposed to meet her where they always met in order to go home together on the Metro. Bea was generally good about meeting her there and going home before going out again. She knew that she and Nick had arranged for a movie date that evening but that had been after dinner tonight. Muttering to herself, she called Nick. Something was not right.
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[Apr. 4th, 2008|11:58 pm]
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Who: Celtic deities
Where: The Wooden Spoon

Alistair whistled to himself as he put the final preparations on the room in the back. There was a special group tonight, coming into the restaurant. He was taking care of them personally. It was quite a coup for his restaurant, such a large group coming. Everything had to be just right.
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[Apr. 1st, 2008|03:46 pm]
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Who: Carole and the Twins
When: April 1'st
Where: Winters House

She'd be lying if she said she wasn't slightly anxious. Today the interim grades had come in to take home to parents and guardians was making her a little antsy. She almost wished she had lessons with Ceara today in order to work off some of this tension. She'd done her best in all her classes, with the possible exception of math, which she only did halfheartedly, seeing as how she learned all what they were going through now last year.

She wanted her Aunt to get home so that she could open the envelope once and for all. Bea knew that if she opened it and it was bad news, then she'd be too tempted to hide it and convince Shiloh to hide hers too.
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