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[Apr. 19th, 2008|04:25 pm]
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Who: Galen and the Doc
When: Friday, mid-day
Where: GWU

Galen brushed a hand through his hair as he stared at a wall, waiting. In general he was used to hospitals. He was used to lights being flashed in his eyes, needles, poking prodding, CT scans, testing, x-rays, and all sorts of other odd things a doctor could inflict upon a patient. He was, in the words of his head-doc, a lab-rat marvel. Not because he was being used to test drugs on, but because by all rights...Galen shouldn't have been awake, let alone alive.

In the last test, a few weeks ago, the doc had confirmed something he'd been worrying over for what seemed ages. It was why they'd never taken Galen in for surgery. Well, one reason at least. They had pin-pointed the worst of the damage,the piece of the puzzle they'd been hunting for since the boy had first stepped off a plane and into DC.

It was, as Galen understand, a vital part of the gushy mush in his head. It controlled things like...breathing, and other things of the sort. So, it seemed, he really should have died within days of the accident. Or at least been brain dead. Yet here he was, awake and lively and charming. (Well at least the nurses thought he was charming.)

There had been more talk, but he'd tuned it all out in typical Galen fashion, instead looking at the pictures of gushy-mush with a blank lack of understanding. Somethings were easier to remember than others, and nothing that the doctor was saying really made much sense. Heh. But he could see it. The bright white blob of...dead matter. Curiously he wondered if it would rot, become infected and kill him. If it was dead, logic did tell him it should rot at least.


He was supposed to come back in on Monday, and they would discuss his options with him, explain all the new found risk of popping his head open, and...stuff. It meant shaving his head. It also meant asking Val, or someone else like that to come with him. The doctor wanted a responsible, able-bodied party to be there. Apparently his scrambled wires also meant that he did not make the best choices. Something about not really having an informed opinion, or...whatever.

None of which explained why he was outside Leo's office, really. Well, maybe a little. He did want to talk about the surgery, but for someone who had been waiting patiently for over 2 years to have it done...the idea of talking about it, and having it really done seemed surreal and slightly unnerving.

The doc did say he might not wake up.

Which did not help his mind make up a decision that plagued him, and was probably (aside from having an appointment) the true reason he was there. Galen's uncomplicated love-life, or rather just life in general, suddenly seemed to become a tangled web. And if he was going to die in the next two weeks? How did he make it uncomplicated?
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[Feb. 23rd, 2008|09:23 am]
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It wasn't that he was avoiding her. It was that he was trying to figure out what to say. And trying to keep himself avoiding Seth to avoid the inevitable biting off of heads for bringing this shit into his place. The fact that the biting off of heads might have ended up being literal once upon a time and long ago only made it more imperative that he avoid Seth.

He was also trying to figure out whether she would require more explanation for what she had seen and heard, or more explanation for the fact that he had briefly regressed to a more simple time when his teeth and even his mouth had been somewhat longer than they were now, and when biting other people's throats out was a more commonplace thing to do. At least, for him and Seth. More for Seth than him. But that was then and this was now and how the hell was he going to explain this to her?

It was a lot harder to avoid her when he couldn't hide down in the morgue, or at least it had seemed that way. He had been deemed fit to go home, at least physically, but Phil and Dr Mallard had pointed out (probably rightly) that he'd only hurt himself further if he did, and so he was constrained to the hospital for 24 hours For Observation.

Well, and so, after a less than enlightening talk with Galen, he figured he might as well go and observe Caitlin for a while. Also known as lurking.
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[Feb. 17th, 2008|06:37 pm]
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Who: Galen and Paul and whoever else has a reason to be there
When: After Paul's argument with Seth
Where: GWU Hospital.


Today was the day to tell Leo that he didn’t like his medication anymore. Which was precisely why Galen was at the hospital four hours early, and bright-eyed as ever. It had been probably close to two weeks since he has ceased the medication, and so far it all seemed to go well…

Except that he and Val found themselves in an argument last night, and Galen had resulted to pacing the hallway all night instead of sleeping. It explained the dark circles beneath his cheery eyes. It might have also explained the reason behind erratic behavior, and the obvious signs of drug use.

“Two, two…No…two…” He mumbled to himself as he wandered the halls. Once he had to run away from a nurse, giggling madly as he coasted ever closer to the peek of his high.

When he found Paul, he was all smiles and giggles as he danced into the room with chocolates, flowers, and coloring books that he had purchased in his last round through the gift shop.

“Paul!” He smiled, holding out the assorted gifts clumsily as he walked out of a boot and tried to look back at it.

Somewhere along the way he’d already lost the other one. Oops.

“I brought you things!” Oh yes, “oh and I have something for Caitlyn. Could you give it too her? The Nurses kept chasing me with brooms out of the ER.”
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[Feb. 14th, 2008|09:57 pm]
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Who: Seth and Caitlin (and Paul?)
Where: GWU Hospital
When: Sometime during the day after Bastet talks to Seth about Star

Seth was still out for blood. But he was...not quite so far gone as he might have been. Thanks to Bastet. The difficulty in finding his particular target was simply that he knew the hospital staff was unlikely to just tell him where a Senator was being treated. Nor could he spend too much time just walking around and looking in on people. One: he'd get bored really quickly and end up taking it out on someone in his path. Two: he'd be noticed and likely someone would try to stop him. That wouldn't end well on either side.

These weren't things Seth was actively thinking about, they were just things he knew. Of course, something else that he knew was this hospital. He'd been to it often enough. So he had a reasonably good idea of where to find the good senator. Only...on the way there he caught a familiar scent. Anubis. Not that that was a surprise but...

...well, it was just really hard for Seth to resist antagonizing the jackal.

Imagine his surprise when he turns around and instead sees Caitlin.
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[Jan. 11th, 2008|08:39 am]
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Who: Paul and whoever
Where: GWU-Hospital
When: New Years' Eve!

The Egyptian calendar ran along a different time than the current; that said, Paul made the best of working New Years' Eve at the hospital by making it festive for everyone whether they liked it or not. Including the corpses. Dr. Mallard informed the post-health patients that they couldn't have any champagne, Paul decorated them with hats and tiaras, and Phil proclaimed them both crazy. Not that he had much room to talk.

In between working he made sure to bounce upstairs and make sure that everyone who had to work (or suffer in the ER) was at least somewhat enjoying themselves. No one could really have champagne, because they were on duty or because they were on medication, but he'd brought several bottles of sparkling apple juice, which did a reasonable job of pretending.

He even brought in a little portable TV that a certain person, if she were present, might remember from medical school, so that people could watch the ball drop if they wanted.
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