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[May. 20th, 2008|12:57 am]
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Where: An undisclosed location
When: Tuesday
Who: Bea, KD, Peter, Bob, and others.

He sighed once as he dialed the number. Everything was prepared and this was the last step before he could wash his hands of this entire business. This was not exactly what he had signed up for, but at least he could ensure that it had a somewhat happy ending. He dialed the number for a special agent Kieran Dagny Townsend. He had a voice modulator to disguise his voice.

"Special Agent Townsend? I have a message for you."
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[Apr. 30th, 2008|09:07 am]
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Who: Nick, Peter, Shiloh, Nick's parents
When: The morning after Bea's disappearance
Where: Nick's house and in transit

Ali, Marie, and Carole seemed to have come to some sort of truce regarding the kitchen, especially considering the number of people that needed to be fed this morning. Peter had barely slept, but coffee would fix that problem temporarily.

After they'd all eaten and showered, Peter glanced over at Nick. "You know, if you're going to camp out here for awhile, you might want to pick some things up. And I expect your parents would appreciate seeing you," he noted mildly. "Why don't I take you and Shiloh over, get you out of the house for a bit?"

Carole might appreciate that, too. Which he did not say aloud.
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[Apr. 11th, 2008|10:10 pm]
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Who: Shiloh, Peter, Alistair, Nick, Carole...
Where: The Winters house.

Shiloh was Not Pleased. Her sister had been supposed to meet her where they always met in order to go home together on the Metro. Bea was generally good about meeting her there and going home before going out again. She knew that she and Nick had arranged for a movie date that evening but that had been after dinner tonight. Muttering to herself, she called Nick. Something was not right.
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[Mar. 21st, 2008|12:32 pm]
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Where: Fort Meade
Who: Nick and Bea
When: Saturday, March 14'th

Bea snarled under her breath as she grabbed her things for Color Guard practice. They were here at Fort Meade to practice with some of the Marine band here. There were other kids from other schools in the area. She knew Arundel High was here as well as Northeast and some others. She slung her duffle over one shoulder and started out towards where they were all going to meet and warm up before getting down to business today. She'd been halfway there when all of a sudden she'd heard a voice behind her.
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[Feb. 12th, 2008|10:40 am]
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[Current Location |Capitol Reflection Pool, Washington DC]
[mood | anxious]

Who: Bill and whoever'd like to talk
When: Midafternoon
Where: By the Capitol Reflection Pool.

Bill was sitting, stretched out on the semi-sun-warmed concrete, soaking up as much of what little warmth there was that he could before the temperature began to drop as the sun headed down below the horizon. He didn't mind being just another one of the city's homeless except when it got cold. Then again, he probably wasn't the only one who felt that way.

Still, things were moving, and Bill had been hearing some more disturbing things than usual. Not just what the news reported, either. Whispers on the street. The sorts of things that made him keep one eye behind him at all times. Figuratively speaking. Made him jumpy.
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