November 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon
When: After This
Where: Babs’ place
What: Trying to stay awake
Rating: Family friendly

Can’t sleep - Lucifer will eat us )



netpost; castiel

Unfortunately, upon entering my office this morning I was informed of more people having been sent back to their world. I have yet to receive the final list of names but I do extend my sympathies to those that have loved ones who have gone. Currently we know that Evelyn Trevelyan, Chell, and Daniel Osbourne (more commonly known as Oz) have been among those that have left.

Given the sudden spike in those that have left recently, I will be working closely with Gabriel and investigating into a way to keep people in this world should they choose to stay. If anyone would like to assist in this investigation, your suggestions are most welcome.



netpost; mazikeen

[Sam Winchester]
Starting to think you have a crush on me with the amount of times I have seen you in Lux of late. Not complaining. Just a little something I noticed.