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Aug. 8th, 2007


LotR fic: Responsibility [Haldir, general]

Title: Responsibility
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Haldir, OCs
Rating: general
Summary: A youthful Haldir learns some lessons about growing up.

Responsibility  )


LotR fic: Departing [Haldir/Melpomaen implied, general]

Title: Departing
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Arwen, Elladan, Elrohir, Gimli, Haldir, Legolas, Melpomaen
Rating: general
Summary: At the end of Elessar's life, others also chose to depart from Middle-earth.
Note: This story is dedicated to Wídfara's memory, in the hope that a ship did bear her across the sea.

Departing )


LotR fic: In Dreams [Haldir, adult]

Title: In Dreams
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Haldir, OCs
Rating: adult
Warnings: angst, masturbation
Summary: Haldir's dreams lead him to decide to join the rangers that protect the Golden Wood.
Note: This is set in the year 2160 of the Third Age, and Haldir is approximately fifty years, the equivalent of perhaps twenty in human terms; the end of adolescence. Tolkien himself never ascribed any date of birth to Haldir. At this time the Watchful Peace prevailed, but memories of Sauron in Dol Guldur would not have been distant, especially among the Elves of Lothlórien.

In Dreams )


LotR fic: Shadows of the Past [Gimli, Haldir, Legolas, general]

Title: Shadows of the Past
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Gimli, Haldir, Legolas
Rating: general
Summary: In Lórien, Gimli hears Haldir and Legolas converse about many things:trees, Dwarves, secrets kept and told. How can the dead be best honored?
Note: AU in some respects.

Shadows of the Past )


LotR fic: A Family Affair [Maedhros/Fingon, general]

Title: A Family Affair
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: LotR
Characters: Galadriel, Nerdanel, Fëanor, Maedhros/Fingon, other sons of Fëanor
Rating: general
Summary: In Valinor, Galadriel has a trying moment when talking to her cousinMaedhros. After Maedhros and his other cousin Fingon discuss matterswith his mother Nerdanel, the latter confronts his father Fëanor withsome hard truths.
Note: This was originally written as three separate stories. A few elements are borrowed from other Silm-based fics,by Deborah, finch, and Ithilwen in particular. "Artanis" was one ofGaladriel's names in Valinor; it was Celeborn who first called her"Alatáriel," a Telerin form which was rendered in Sindarin as"Galadriel," but that was many years after the time of this story.

Cousin Mine )

Mother Knows Best )

Father Figure )

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