January 1st, 2016



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 1 January, midday

Happy New Year everyone! I spent mine in Boston with Daddy. I love New Year's Eve in Boston. We always go to the Peabody family party and I was able to wear the new Dior dress I got with mom on Boxing Day. I love staying at the Boston Harbor Hotel - the views of the bay at night are incredible and we were able to watch the fireworks from the hotel. And this year they had a sushi chef in addition to everything else which was a nice bonus. The champagne breakfast here makes we wish I hadn't eaten so much sushi last night!



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: January 1, 12:30am (London time)

I know it isn't quite New Year for everyone back home, but it is here in London. I'm hoping that this year is better than the last, with everything that happened. I hope everyone is doing better and that those who were hurt recover quickly - and that the families of those who have passed re able to celebrate their lives and move forward.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: January 1, first thing in the morning

Happy New Year! I was able to sneak this out while everyone here was sleeping. I feel so completely out of the loop at home, and I don't think I've caught up reading what I missed but at least I don't have to worry about this thing going mad and attacking everyone in the house again like happened when we all got them this summer. I can't believe its still over a week before we go back! I knew this break was going to feel long but ugh! I want to be able to do magic again!



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Early morning, 1/1

It isn't a United States custom, but mum still has us drinking wassail and eating shortbread to greet the new year. For all that I've studied traditional literature, I never quite understood these traditions outside of the idea of greeting the year with something sweet.

Does anyone else have any interesting traditions?



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: early afternoon, 1 January

[Private Dream Journal]
As if the nightmares about the Ministry murders the last few days weren't enough, Death decided to end the year with a full recap of a year's worth of murder and death yesterday and a preview of the upcoming year this morning. Fuck I need sleep.

Champagne hangovers suck. Fortunately New Year's Day is an acceptable day to have more champagne for breakfast, so the hangover doesn't hit until about... now...

I'm going to go puke.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When : Afternoon, 1/1

I got to spend the whole night out dancing. My brother and I found a club and it was a pretty awesome New Year's Eve all things considered. I'm grateful that things here aren't affected by everything that happened at the ministry- mom still lives like a muggle though so I've made sure that they're being looked after when I go back to school. I don't want anything to happen back here.

Also, I've probably seen Star Wars ten times. I might be addicted.