26th Jul, 2015



Ikiryō (生霊) - Living Ghost

Name: Unknown
Nationality: Unknown

Personal History: Unknown

Alignment: Unknown

Abilities: The Ikiryō are able to astral project within a 1-2 mile radius. They project an identical appearance to themselves at the time. They are unable to physically interact with the environment, however their presence can be accompanied by a strong wind if they choose.

The Ikiryō are also able to take brief possession of an individual (no longer than 5 minutes), and experience what they are sensing (sight, hearing, etc.) without the individuals knowledge.

Weakness: In order for The Ikiryō to use their abilities, they must be unconscious, and cannot be woken until they end their projection or possession. While using their abilities, they are unaware of what is occurring to their own body. They are also limited to projecting themselves to a location they have already visited, or possessing an individual they have had physical contact with in the past.


If you would like to put in an application for The Ikiryō, and you have read the RULES, please leave your name and email address in a screened comment below.