26th Jul, 2015


Baku (獏) - The Eater of Nightmares

Name: Unknown
Nationality: Unknown

Personal History: Unknown

Alignment: Unknown

Abilities: The Baku has the ability to soothe an individual by 'eating' the psychic energy generated from nightmares, as well as removing the unconscious memory of the nightmare. They are then able to store this psychic energy.

Once enough energy has been obtained they are able to enter the mind of a sleeper and witness what they are dreaming. They can choose to change the landscape of the sleepers dreams, and extract or implant information.

Weakness: The Baku suffers from Hypersomnia, the symptoms of which include headaches, over-tiredness, low appetite, confusion and short term memory loss.


If you would like to put in an application for The Baku, and you have read the RULES, please leave your name and email address in a screened comment below.