Aug. 31st, 2011



[info]childermass: hmm give me a good name for a book about Inferi

[info]glitterberries: zombies ate my neighbours
[info]headgirl: a book about inferi

[info]greenlander: Inferi & You
[info]rainbowling: meg:
[info]rainbowling: twilight
[info]kaytea: Reanimation: A Brief Study Into the Nature of Inferi
[info]headgirl: katie's awesome
[info]childermass: LOL, Kati

Our entertainment if Inferi ruled the world )

Aug. 28th, 2011


Ashley: this evan and zippie conversation
Ashley: my creys
Raina: i thought that said
Raina: evan and nipple
Ashley: LOL
Ashley: evan always has very emotional conversations with his nipples
Cassie: hahahaha
Anna: Who doesn't?
Raina: i certainly do.
Ruth: That's why it takes him so long to get ready
Cassie: LOL
Ashley: LOL
Raina: HAHA
Ashley: "dammit evan we're going to be late for potions" "JUST A SECOND I WILL BE RIGHT THERE now nipple, you know how sad it makes me when you say things like that"


Tonight in chat after realising that most rom coms follow the same general theme, we decided to make our BT-related rom com titles.

the original chat )
The titles we came up with (for all of BT):

    [info]texmas: Four Weddings and like 90 Funerals
    [info]sparkings: How to Lose a Guy in Twenty Years and a War
    [info]texmas: Dr Sad Love, or How I Learned to Stop Sobbing Because Fabian Is Dead And Everything is the Worst
    [info]sparkings: Must Love Kneazles
    [info]texmas: Some Like It Vigilant
    [info]sparkings: It Takes Two (Plus Deaths)
    [info]pretzel: Death As We Know It
    [info]texmas: The 40-Year-Old Vigilante
    [info]texmas: About a (Dead) Boy
    [info]texmas: While You Were Sleeping (in Azkaban)
    [info]pretzel: Failure to Live
    [info]sparkings: Practical Magic(al Devastation)
    [info]texmas: Crazy Stupid Voldemort
    [info]sparkings: Acquaintances with Benefits
    [info]sparkings: Illegally Blonde
    [info]sparkings: Sleepless in Scotland
    [info]texmas: It Happened Most Nights
    [info]sparkings: Love in the Time of Voldemort
    [info]texmas: (Fake) Roman Holiday (to cover up a virus outbreak)
    [info]sparkings: Breakfast at Gladrags
    [info]texmas: My Big Fat Drunken Shotgun Wedding

Aug. 17th, 2011


[info]texmas: The first time I saw 69ers used
[info]texmas: I assumed it was a euphemism
[info]texmas: possibly for the LGBT community

Aug. 9th, 2011


Anna: Sturgis thinks she's just pulling Robbie's pigtails.
Jen: I bet Robbie wishes she'd pull his pigtail ;-)
Katie: lol she is.
Katie: well. She's pulling charley's by pulling robbie's

Feb. 14th, 2011


From chat:

I wonder if Orion would be at the ministry to see what's happening with his bill tomorrow
ooolalacey: LOL he can be all Sup Burga ;)
lolololeigh: Walburga says he better go rouse up a harlot, cause he better not bring that shit home.  >:|
grabmywand: Serious question. Would sexy water make Walburga attractive?
zomgprongs: Dude, no amount of aphrodisiac potion
lolololeigh: LMFAO
ooolalacey: HAHA
zomgprongs: she's his COUSIN, that's DISGUSTING
zomgprongs: He's a little bit offended every time someone assumes he's sleeping with his wife
lolololeigh: I told you, just say the word and she'll ward him about wanting to make another another kid!
lolololeigh: XD
ooolalacey: asfdghkdf
zomgprongs: He'll tell her to adopt
ooolalacey: a muggleborn
lolololeigh: She'll steal a gd purist baby.
zomgprongs: If the muggleborn child protection act goes through, they might just get the Korean child named Annyong

Jan. 27th, 2011


All of this.

Jan. 23rd, 2011


DMLE Bring Your Kids to Work Day, 1980s-style. )

Nov. 22nd, 2010


Your Mind is the Scene of the Crime

From here, though the whole thread is somewhat relevant.

The dream is real... )

Sep. 18th, 2010


From: here

[info]fadian: So you were a child that got in bar fights, the same one that ended up becoming the world's youngest bartender, yet is haunted by his juvenile decisions to this day? Dear Merlin, what a life you have lead.

And it's never too late to at least watch a bar fight, maybe throw in some heckling?

[info]ipodmore: Well, you know. Once they'd tried cockfighting and it had lost its appeal, it was only a matter of time before they tried pitting drunken young Gryffindors against each other. It was one of those sweat shop-bars, like in Taiwan, where they employee children for 6 knuts a day. Highly illegal, terribly dangerous. I'm writing my memoirs on it. Admittedly, I was pretty pissed for most of it, so the details might be mostly shameless lies.

That's true. Sounds like I missed a good one, though, if someone threw a chair at that fellow who broke into the zoo.

Sep. 17th, 2010


Esh: guys tell me to stop working on ana
Rhia: i told you to stop :|
Esh: *someone who i will listen to tell me to stop working on ana
Rhia: bitch
Anna: Who would you listen to?
Esh: um
Esh: no one
Esh: probs
Esh: because i am OBSESSED :|
Anna: I think I can accommodate that.
umnooneprobs has entered the room.
umnooneprobs: hey you
Rhia: wot
umnooneprobs: stop working on her
Loren: LOL
umnooneprobs: That is all
umnooneprobs has left the room.
Esh: what just happened

Sep. 8th, 2010


Leigh: Why is Leia a lesbian?
Anna: She was just born that way
Jen: Because she likes girls
Leigh: Oh okay.
Leigh: Fair muff.
Leigh: NUFF.
Jen: FDjsakfjslkdfs
Jen: dsedkljhfsdlkfjkls
Anna: xD
Leia: LOL

From chat.


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