Aug. 28th, 2011


Ashley: this evan and zippie conversation
Ashley: my creys
Raina: i thought that said
Raina: evan and nipple
Ashley: LOL
Ashley: evan always has very emotional conversations with his nipples
Cassie: hahahaha
Anna: Who doesn't?
Raina: i certainly do.
Ruth: That's why it takes him so long to get ready
Cassie: LOL
Ashley: LOL
Raina: HAHA
Ashley: "dammit evan we're going to be late for potions" "JUST A SECOND I WILL BE RIGHT THERE now nipple, you know how sad it makes me when you say things like that"

Aug. 25th, 2011


Aug. 16th, 2011


the truth

[info]astrea: Leo, Mady is my favourite

Aug. 2nd, 2011


From here.

Dec. 9th, 2010


From chat.

Sep. 8th, 2010


Jen (4:31:34 PM): The hitwizards learned how to write their names today!
Lyss (4:31:38 PM): LOL
Leigh (4:31:39 PM): LOLOL
Leia (4:31:40 PM): LOL
Mady (4:31:43 PM): What did YOU do?
Jen (4:31:45 PM): And then they fingerpainted
Leia (4:31:47 PM): where is luis
Jen (4:31:51 PM): And then Leo ate paste :-\
Leia (4:31:55 PM): caradoc needs to get up in these shenanigans
Leigh (4:31:55 PM): awkdrhdsgd
Leia (4:31:56 PM): sigh leo :/
Lyss (4:32:02 PM): YES HE DOES
Ruth (4:32:05 PM): I am actually crying with laughter
Lyss (4:32:07 PM): Iona can make him flirt instead
Mady (4:32:08 PM): Leo can't help it :-\
Jen (4:32:14 PM): That's okay though
Mady (4:32:19 PM): except with rabdolph
Jen (4:32:21 PM): Iona tried to eat the play dough
Leia (4:32:22 PM): LOL
Lyss (4:32:26 PM): LOL!
Jen (4:32:27 PM): But their teacher stopped her
Mady (4:32:35 PM): Oliver was the model student
Jen (4:32:37 PM): So she stuck it up her nose instead
Mady (4:32:37 PM): AS PER USUAL
Lyss (4:32:41 PM): LOL
Ruth (4:32:41 PM): LOL
Leigh (4:32:43 PM): LOL
Leia (4:32:44 PM): oliver is actually the worst
Leia (4:32:49 PM): but he looks like a little angel when the teacher is around
Lyss (4:32:49 PM): I think so too
Leia (4:32:56 PM): and then as soon as she turns her back...
Lyss (4:32:59 PM): And Iona gets in trouble for pushing him over :-(
Lyss (4:33:05 PM): WHAT A BABY
Jen (4:33:10 PM): Oliver tried to cut off one of the other girls' pigtails today :-\
Lyss (4:33:16 PM): there aren't any other girls
Mady (4:33:19 PM): it was caradoc's pigtail
Jen (4:33:21 PM): But then the teacher walked back into the room
Lyss (4:33:23 PM): oh ok nvm
Jen (4:33:28 PM): So he put the scissors away really quick

From chat.


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