Dec. 14th, 2011


Ashley: are filbert and irena going to make another heri
Ashley: heir
Kati: um they might try
lina: hahahahaha
mady: does he remember how to
Kati: i mean obvs if xander gets out of prison he is heir agai
Meg: lie back and think of England.
Kati: i guess then they are making a spare
Meg: or Uncle Greg.
Ashley: omg lol the rum
Ashley: i am sorry
And: LOL
Ashley: words are happening there is no control

Dec. 6th, 2011


    You know what would have been weird?


    When Fabian inevitably hit on Grace, because he's a complete dick like that and she moved.  Then your head explodes.


    *she moved, therefore needed to be hit on

    of course
    and then I got a splitting headache for no reason

 Katie B. 


    like a champ

    god, trying to wrap my head around that from Fab's point of view...
    He would have been the biggest hypocrite ever omg

 Katie B. 
    meanwhile Lina is having simultaneous conversations with Marlie/Gid and Grace/Fab all involving the topic of assuring the other brother their twin is not going to be stolen



    P R E W E T T C E P T I O N

    I'd have been forced to take breaks. Or something

    You know what this means now?

 Katie B. 

    apparently the twins are now antique vases. in glass cases. waiting to be stolen

    You've gotta pick up Alice and Grace's mum as well at HF.

    what does it mean

    i heard you like prewetts so i put a prewett in your prewett #twincest

 Katie B. 


    So you can Prewett while you Prewett?


    All ur Prewetts all up in hereee

 Katie B. 
    double your prewett double your fun!

    it's the statement of a great mint

Aug. 31st, 2011



[info]childermass: hmm give me a good name for a book about Inferi

[info]glitterberries: zombies ate my neighbours
[info]headgirl: a book about inferi

[info]greenlander: Inferi & You
[info]rainbowling: meg:
[info]rainbowling: twilight
[info]kaytea: Reanimation: A Brief Study Into the Nature of Inferi
[info]headgirl: katie's awesome
[info]childermass: LOL, Kati

Our entertainment if Inferi ruled the world )

Aug. 28th, 2011


Ashley: this evan and zippie conversation
Ashley: my creys
Raina: i thought that said
Raina: evan and nipple
Ashley: LOL
Ashley: evan always has very emotional conversations with his nipples
Cassie: hahahaha
Anna: Who doesn't?
Raina: i certainly do.
Ruth: That's why it takes him so long to get ready
Cassie: LOL
Ashley: LOL
Raina: HAHA
Ashley: "dammit evan we're going to be late for potions" "JUST A SECOND I WILL BE RIGHT THERE now nipple, you know how sad it makes me when you say things like that"

Aug. 12th, 2011


[info]glitterberries: i'm going through veronica mars screencaps
[info]glitterberries: and i've concluded that logan and duncan kind of remind me of xander and elliot
[info]mady: WHICH ONE IS WHICH
[info]glitterberries: in the first episode when they're being assholes at lunch
[info]kaytea: LOL
[info]glitterberries: elliot is duncan because he is blockier and xander is logan because they both have pudgy cheeks
[info]kaytea: I was about to say that elliot is duncan because he can have a relationship
[info]mady: elliot/edwina/xander
[info]kaytea: without being an ass
[info]mady: HAHAHAHA OMG
[info]mady: HE CAN SAY
[info]glitterberries: LOL
[info]headgirl: LOL
[info]glitterberries: aeoghewagoiuhwerg
[info]glitterberries: weiougtgehkl;m,FWEAhztfj
[info]headgirl: HAHHA
[info]kaytea: shgdjksahgjkhjkhjkhgh
[info]kaytea: omg Mady
[info]glitterberries: oh my god
[info]glitterberries: i am slain

Apr. 29th, 2011


From chat:

grabmywand: OH LEIGH I found a picture today that was funny and relevant to Fabian
lolololeigh: What are those horrible faces?
lolololeigh: XD
lolololeigh: Totally thinking of whether or not to crack Remus over the back of his head.
grabmywand: That is Fabian's evil plotty face and that is Remus's "Go away, Fabian. No one likes you" face
lolololeigh: gfadsfousiydufg
lolololeigh: "Go away, Fabian.  No one likes you" face
lolololeigh: AHAHAHAHAHAHA
lolololeigh: OMG
theblev4: LOLL
lolololeigh: I'm putting that in b_quotes for posterity.
grabmywand: LOL!

Apr. 8th, 2011


From chat:

: I've kissed the 'kiddos' :']
Leigh: ...missed
Leigh: WOW
Ashley: LOL
Lina: that was some questionable stuff there, leigh
Leigh: jdhfgsashsfgrte
Leigh: Dear god, I'm so glad Mady's not here to immortalize that on her CDJ.

Mar. 30th, 2011


grabmywand: I love the mental image of Peter Pettigrew reading romance novels
grabmywand: I bet that's how he passed the time in the DL's service
xx emmanator: lol
theblev4: LOL
cheng kai-shek: and taking notes
theblev4: Voldy: Wormtail, I require more groceries. Unicorn blood and some Earl Grey, now.
theblev4: Peter: But Chaucer is just about to tell Katherine that
theblev4: Voldy: NOW.
grabmywand: ROFL
Katie B.: Did Wormtail break into Gladys' house to steal more books from her?
Katie B.: like constantly borrowing and replacing?
theblev4: LOLOL
theblev4: that is now canon.
cheng kai-shek: not replacing
cheng kai-shek: just borrowing
Katie B.: excellent
theblev4: oh come on, he would replace
theblev4: what sort of person do you think he is

Mar. 28th, 2011



From here.

Jan. 23rd, 2011


about SWARM

CoffeeTeaOrKatie 9:01 pm
    I hope they try to 69er Barty and Reg
 athend9 9:01 pm
 CoffeeTeaOrKatie 9:01 pm
    and pretend they know what they're doing
 theblev4 9:01 pm
    aoiegheogh i missed "er"
    and was like KATIE

Dec. 26th, 2010


therainenator 10:19 pm
    dolph: want 2 go out 2nite
    leo: can't have the poops :(

 whurrwolves 10:19 pm

 theblev4 10:19 pm

 therainenator 10:19 pm

From chat.

Dec. 9th, 2010


From chat.

Oct. 28th, 2010


From here. Yet put into context with this.

Hag luuuuuuuuv )

Oct. 1st, 2010


Xander has the solution to every [marital] problem. )

Sep. 26th, 2010


[info]glitterberries: lol i look at alcohol and durfnk happens

Sep. 16th, 2010


From here.

Sep. 8th, 2010


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