Jul. 28th, 2008


Daily Prophet - 28 July 1979

Brutal murders portend an ominous future )

Jul. 21st, 2008


Daily Prophet - 21 July 1979

Militant Millicent excels against werewolves )

Jul. 16th, 2008


Daily Prophet - 16 July 1979

Captured Death Eater Names Four of You-Know-Who's Followers. )

Jul. 15th, 2008


Placeholder; Witch Weekly - 14 July 1979.

PLACEHOLDER. Reads more like a human interest piece, hailing the Longbottoms as the Wizarding World's most influential power couple, etc. You know how it is. Should be up my this afternoon (my time).

Jul. 12th, 2008


Daily Prophet - 12 July 1979 (morning edition)

DEAR BETTY (page 26) )

Jul. 11th, 2008


Daily Prophet - 11 July 1979

Rush Edition: Voldemort Issues Ultimatum! )

Jul. 7th, 2008


Daily Prophet - 7 July 1979

PLACEHOLDER -- 7 July edition of the Prophet updates itself with the following article sometime in the early afternoon; attack at a playground in Bristol which appears to be the work of werewolves and similar to the attack earlier this month in Hyde Park. A Muggle woman was found earlier this morning in south London, taken to hospital and claimed she was in the state she is in because of 'Mary MacDonald' (along with a few other choice quotes); two other victims (a teenage girl and a mother, both Muggles) also reported the same name to Muggle authorities before their memories were Obliviated. Possibly the work of Fenrir Greyback, given his vague comments on the journals, but this is not yet confirmed; also, given Greyback's reference to a sentence in an earlier public journal entry by a 'Mary MacDonald', she is probably the same one identified by the victims. Ends with a reference back to the earlier DP article about the attack in Hyde Park.

Jul. 4th, 2008


The Quibbler: 4th July 1979

PLACEHOLDER: Companion piece to the Prophet report on Fenrir and Tabby's werewolf attacks. Generally full of crazy, but with a few gems; echoes the 'who is Mary MacDonald and why are werewolves after her, what is the DMLE not telling us, etc.' sentiment, but with more crying wolf and accusing the DMLE of incompetence and even selling people out to the werewolves. ...It's the freaking Quibbler, people. Insanity abounds.


Daily Prophet: 4th July 1979

Werewolf Attacks Terrify London. )

Jul. 1st, 2008


The Quibbler: 1st July 1979

Unsafe Zones: The Terrible Secrets of the Ministry’s Latest Initiative. )