Blood Sings To Blood, Words Will Find A Way
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Elena Gilbert {The Vampire Diaries} [userpic]
2.5 Write About A Sin

Week 2.5 Write About A Sin

Muse: Elena Gilbert
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Words: 429

Tags: , ,
Prompt 2.3 - Acceptable Losses

There was blood nearby when she woke. Isabel could smell it, and not just the dried vitae on her hands from her earlier feeding, although it was too dark in her tomb to see it.

Muse: Isabel Giovanni
Fandom: WoD:VtM
Words: 638

Prompt 2.2 - The night won't save anyone

Part I

"It turns out he wasn't poisoned after all." The stout form of the team's elected spokesman presented the fact calmly to the camp manager. "Seems Jenks come down with it, too. We figured he wouldn't drink what he gave to Rollo."

It was currently a mystery. )

Muse: Mistress Gwynne
Fandom: Original Character/Mythology/Folklore
Words: 497

george_carter [userpic]

Acceptable losses.

There's a hard one. Sometimes it's not casualties, like in wars, but other things. I've seen it with Jack and I've started to see it with me. It starts out as wanting to do your job well, protect the public and that. Then it just starts taking over. What did Jack once say?... "You'd think Jack Regan was the only copper in London!" That after the umteenth interrupted dinner, the umteenth call in at 2am, the umteeth broken date. It's really us, the coppers who are the casualties. Our lives.

The job eats us up. We start out like everyone else, family, hobbies, aspirations, then the lure of being needed, making a difference, protecting people, eats us up. Who needs us more, out family or the greater public? The good of the many and that. We don't even question it until there's nothing left of us but the job. It cuts away everything that doesn't further its goals until something happens and you realise you're alone, with nothing but the job. No life outside catching the blaggers. No time for anything but the barest sleep. Even food is a luxury most days. The job consumes you in the furtherance of the common good.

Is that acceptable? To lose everything for the safety of the public?
I reckon so or I wouldn't be in this job.

character: Sgt. George Carter
fandom: The Sweeney

Prompt Week Two

Write about a sin.

Muse: Ambrogino Giovanni
Fandom: WoD:VtM
Words: 323

Prompt Two

My real name is...

Muse: Molly Campbell
Fandom: Supernatural OC
Words: 199

Prompt Two

"Write about a sin."

Muse: Sira Nightfyre
Fandom: OC
Words: 375

Mod Journal For Blood Sings To Blood [userpic]
Prompt Week Two -- February 6, 2010

1. Write about someone who left.
2. The night won't save anyone.
3. Write about acceptable losses.
4. "My real name is..."
5. Write about a sin.

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